109: Extra: Dream wedding

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Extra: A wedding in a dream

[A game branch of "Second Life"]

[The leader's wedding——]

[On the wedding day, the number one killer asked you if you are willing to marry the boss of the Vongola family. What is your choice...? ]

[Marry [Sawada Tsunayoshi]]

[Refuse to marry [Sawada Tsunayoshi]]

[Marry [Reborn]]


Does this option really matter?

Sawada Tsunayoshi was confused at this time.

An hour ago, he was kicked into a suspicious-looking black car by Reborn, drove along, and was finally pushed into a luxurious lounge.

"The wedding is about to begin. As a leader, you must show decisive courage." Reborn stared at him with dark eyes and said: "Should we exchange marriage for family interests, or should we coldly abandon our fiancée and destroy each other?" Organization... Tsuna, make your choice."

Sawada Tsunayoshi: "??? What happened?!"

A smile that made Sawada Tsunayoshi's scalp numb appeared on the handsome young man's face: "Vongola Being targeted by a world-class organization, as the leader, you have to marry the other party's boss. How lucky you are, stupid Tsuna." "...


Sawada Tsunayoshi was completely confused.

Over this period of time, he has actually gradually become accustomed to the changes that Reborn has brought to his life. Although he never said it, he actually had a hidden gratitude to Reborn in his heart. But no matter how many brutal battles he went through, Sawada Tsunayoshi never really regarded himself as the boss of the mafia... Naturally, he never thought that one day he would be caught and married!

The boy's frightened look made Reborn curl up his lips, and he said with a hint of nonchalance: "Put on your dress and enjoy your wedding." "No way!

Reborn!! I already have someone I like! !"

Sawada Tsunayoshi let out a miserable cry.

Of course, Reborn is not a person who will be soft-hearted because of begging for mercy. The handsome man sneered and held the gun that Len turned into: "I don't mind letting you use the death mode to welcome the bride." Can we really get married

? He will be regarded as a pervert! ?

In this slightly tense atmosphere, there was a knock on the door of the preparation room.

"Dong dong dong."

Sawada Tsunayoshi looked over nervously.

With a creak, the door was pushed open, and the figure of the silver-haired boy emerged from the darkness.

Wearing a low-key black suit, he put one hand in his pocket and held a bouquet of white roses in the other. His eyes glanced around coldly, and finally locked on Sawada Tsunayoshi.

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