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Chapter 34

"Bang", the last serve also ended with the opponent's setter failing to catch the ball.

Score 26:24.

The game entered the victory settlement interface, and behind the avatar of a strong man with the name [Sakura], there were many more likes.

Sakurai Hoshi didn't take it to heart, casually gave [Pomegranate] a thumbs up and quit the team.

Returning to the personal activity room, she leaned back, sank into the soft chair and cleared her mind.

That serve is really hard to hit.

If it were more than half a month ago, even if she could see how the opponent served, she might not be able to keep up with her hand speed.

It feels so good to become stronger...

When I was in a happy mood, a new prompt appeared on the system panel.

[[Pomegranate]'s favorability towards you: 15 ([Pomegranate] seems to appreciate your character and strength.)]


You lost the game and had a trick stolen from you, but you weren't angry?

This person's mood is very stable.

Sakurai Hoshi straightened up and looked at the computer screen again. Sure enough, there were several more red dots in the message bar.

[[Fish] sent you a friend request]

[[Pomegranate] sent you a friend request]

She casually rejected several other people's applications and clicked on [Pomegranate]'s message to take a look.

[Pomegranate: Do you want to play together? ]


The tone is also very soft.

How should I put it, I feel like he is a very smart, talented, and very good at controlling himself.

Not annoying.

Hoshi Sakurai moved the mouse and clicked on the [Accept] button.

The friend column of the game suddenly had the avatar of a handsome black-haired man, lined up with the handsome guy with blond hair and golden eyes from Kodzuken, which looked particularly eye-catching.

[You and [Pomegranate] have become game friends and can chat. ]

Opened the chat interface, and before she could type, a new message was sent from the other side.

[Pomegranate: Hello. ]

[Pomegranate: Can I just call you "Sakura"? ]

[Sakura: Yes, okay. ]

[Sakura: Then I will just call you "Pomegranate". ]

[Pomegranate: Okay. ]

[Pomegranate: I want to play another round. Do you want to join us? ]

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