1979 (The story begins)

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This was the year, Aurora would look back on for the rest of her life it was the darkest part of her life. She didn't know that as of yet.

The daily prophet:
Regulus black has been missing and presumed dead.

When Aurora picked up the daily prophet, reading that, this was after graduation, a few months after to be exact, of course.  It's 1979.
she handed the daily prophet to Odette, tearing up.
Odette Reads the paper, she sighed,putting it down, this wasnt good. These two were hoping not to see that in the paper, ever. They had made a room in their house for Regulus incase he came back. Yes they live in a house together, Alfie as well lives there, Odette and him are dating, possibly soon engaged, who knows.

This also means, Lily and James were soon to have a baby, in a year, Harry potter would be born In July 31, 1980. A year after that...won't be the good year for many, then the story of Lily and James potter would be born.

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