1993 pt2

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"He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" Seamus shouted, they all crowded around the paper to see, it was an interesting, yet scary ordeal.
Now it's a Boggart  learning, with Remus lupin.  Professor Lupin.
Meanwhile professor Mcgonagall was writing the girls, everything so far, Odette and Aurora are just more worried.

Remus was entirely enjoying teaching too much, especially bonding with his students, especially Harry and Nari at this point, they're his niece and nephew of course.
Harry and Professor Lupin, Uncle Moony bonding.
Especially about Lily,  his mother, his eyes.
Talking about James too, a habit for trouble, they're the perfect combination in Harry, that Remus sees.
Remus even writes the girls too, of course.
The fat lady had gone missing, someone clawed at the painting, that person being Sirius black or was it??? Most likely, looking for one person.
They had found her easily.
"Secure the castle" dumbledore said.
The whole of gryffindor, in the great hall to sleep, that night, of course.
Dumbledore and Snape speaking about a lot of danger, a few more things about how remus could have been the one to help, Sirius inside.
Snape Taking over the defence of the dark arts "turn to page 394" meaning, talking about Werewolf and Animagus. Meaning Remus, of course...
An assessment, of Werewolfs. Then, of course a bloody quidditch match, Harry getting hurt.

The twins saying Oliver is going to drown himself, in a joking manner but Nari takes it seriously and goes to check on her boyfriend, Elle had followed her,  of course, being her friend and Prim followed too, as she's concerned about him as that's her boyfriend's twin brother after all.
Harry's broom broke, also learning to defeat dementors and all that, after the break.
Hogsmeade trips, he went anyway, the cloak has its perks, even if being caught by his sister's Boyfriend's, the weasley twins. They give the Marauders map....which leads to more problems than its worth.

This is where Harry will learn things, He probably shouldn't be or want to....
Harry also throwing snowballs and stuff, kicking Draco and his Friends butts....

Sirius Black being the secret keeper decoy, while Peter actually was,  faked his death, cut off his own finger for it.

"Peter pettigrew was Narissa potter's chosen godfather, the one they brought in" fudge said
"Sirius black was and remains to this day, Harry potter's godfather.." Minerva said
"He was their friend" Harry said in anger.
"Also...Nari and I have different godfathers..."
now the learning of the dementors, the patronous charm.

The trio are heading to Hagrid's, scabbers or as we know, Peter Pettigrew is missing and Ron is blaming Crookshanks.
"Buckbeak has been sentenced to death" ..

[ night ]
At this time, Harry been up, Ron woke up, Harry comforted him, then all of a sudden.
[ PETER PETTIGREW ] on the map??? So Harry went for a walk... 
Snape caught him, Remus soon after of course.

"My dad didn't strutt and nor do i" comment from Harry had Remus thinking and going to contain his laughter, of course, because he bloody did, he bloody did strutt.
Remus took the map later, especially after hearing that Peter pettigrew was on it and he, Remus had wrote a letter to Aurora and Odette about it.

Aurora was bloody near pissing itself laughing, reading the letter "Odie! Harry said..." laughing more "that James didn't strutt!!"
"HE DID NOT!" Odette ran to read the letter "OH MY MERLIN!: She laughed

[ more divination... ]

Then going to comfort Hagrid, Hermione punched Draco.
Nari was proud, as well as Elle, hell Dom was... and that was his twin that was punched...
Whole time thing will happen.. also Scabbers is back...not for long...
Oh this will be dangerous..
Buckbeak was killed.
Ron was running after his rat, the others followed... of course.
Sirius or the grim grabbed at the rat but got Ron in the pace of things.
Sirius and Remus reunite, as well as Peter, explaining what happened that night, for real.
Snape being there too, don't... mind the unconscious.
Nari was raising an eyebrow as it was happening, that's when it clicked "That... that's my Godfather..." Nari said looking to Peter Pettigrew, tearing up.
"The one...who actually killed our parents..."
"Well Harry's parents" Peter grovelled.
After a while, they all made it out, Peter was leaving as Sirius and Remus went at it, Snape protected the kids..
Dominic went after Peter.
Nari and Elle went after him "DOM WAIT!"
and that's when he, Peter transformed back and killed Dom with Dom's wand.
"No!!' Elle said, Nari held Elle close, tearing up.

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