Chamber of Secrets pt 1(1992)

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The twins and Ron had come to get Harry, they already got Nari, she's currently squished in the car, she may have gotten very, very close to a twin whilst in there, so from Surrey they go back to the Weasley burrow.

Once there, it was morning, of course, Mrs Molly Weasley popped out of nowhere.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! YOU COULD HAVE DIED! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN SEEN! hello Harry,dear" molly said  "Oh Nari, darling!"

:they were starving him mum, there were bars on his window!" Ron said

"If you're not careful, there will be bars on your windows, Ronald weasley" she said as the twins looked at each other as Harry looked at Nari "You're friends with this?" Was the look.
She looked back with "so are you, now behave!"

As it was now breakfast, it was time for the other siblings to come down, hell even the potter siblings were eating breakfast with them.
"Nari!!" Elle had ran down, to hug her, immediately.
"Oh hi, Elle! You excited?" Nari asked.
Soon after Ginny & Abby came down, one was looking for her jumper. The other was hungry.

They got the letters, including Harry and Nari's, whilst of course Mr Weasley is back, eating with his family, interacting with Harry, as well as Nari.

"Oh Molly, Aurora and Odette say hello" Arthur said.
"Oh do they? Well that's nice, did they get their sweaters for Christmas since you haven't answered me yet" Molly said.
"Oh yes dear, they have, they love them" Arthur said

"Aurora and Odette?" Harry asked Ron
"They're Aurors, they work with dad sometimes" Ron said "they're lovely ladies...we probably meet them sometime"
Harry nodded to that.

[ Skips to Diagon alley ]

Once they're there, Harry caught up with Hermione, meanwhile Nari was practically glued to Fred and George's sides.
As they got their books and other items, it was say the least to see Gilderoy Lockhart, Elle, Nari and Abby seemed to be the only girls that weren't all that enthusiastic about the situation.

[ time to get on the train ]

Once again, Aurora and Odette were there to watch Harry go, but it was odd when they didn't see him there... til later when they found out what was going on.

That seven muggles saw him in a flying bloody car.

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