fourth & fifth year

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This is year being fourth year for Regulus, Odette, Aurora and Pandora, it being fifth year for The Marauders. They're sneaking off each month for for Remus, so he wasn't alone. Now that their illegal animagi.

Aurora and Regulus were hanging out, meanwhile Alfie was with Odette, loving and making her feel amazing.
Aurora had been noticing a small change in Regulus' demeanour, he had become more cold and heartless, slowly drifting away from Aurora even if they're dating...that worried her


Fifth year beginning, Regulus had been avoiding her most of the year, which again confused her.
"Odette...I think I need to tell you something..." Aurora said
"I'm dating Regulus" she whispered
Odette nodded "I know, you're not subtle" she said
Aurora chuckled "Yeah... well, I'm worried about him...." she said "He's been avoiding me, most of this year"
"Go talk to him then..." Odette said.
Aurora nodded, going to find Regulus, which she found him in the astronomy tower "Regulus?" She asked.
"Hey, Aurora..." Regulus said, sounding so cold, so heartless already. His parents got to him, his parents got in his head.
"Why have you been avoiding me?" Aurora asked.
"Because why would I be hanging around with a mudblood like you?" Regulus asked, turning to see her, he was met with a shocked face.
"You know that's a really, really foul name for someone like me, what's gotten into you?" Aurora asked.
"Aurora...I'm..  I know...I know' Regulus said.
"Then why did you call me that?" Aurora asked
"I have to date someone else, I'm sorry.." Regulus said.
Aurora's heart sort of broke, listening.
"Someone with a pureblood status?" Aurora asked
"Yes, maybe one day we can be together, properly" Regulus said
"I shouldn't have trusted you, I shouldn't let myself be vulnerable to you!" Aurora's voice cracked.
"Dawn" Regulus said, moving closer to her.
"Don't, even" Aurora said "go be your mother's son"

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