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XChara's a Vampire, Cross is a Human who found out about Chara thanks to Frisk.
XEvent never happened, Different AU, same Characters :)
I hate writing summaries, basically Chara's hungry and calls a sleeping Cross for food.


It's midnight in Xtale, everyone is sound asleep asides from the poor souls who have to work nightshift hours. The streets are quiet, cars driving down them every now and then - streetlights illuminating as much of the area as possible.

Cross is asleep in his bed, tossing and turning every few seconds as if he's stuck in a nightmare. this only lasted a few seconds before he shot up out of bed, panting as small beads of sweat dripped down his facial features. He gulped, and turned his attention to the alarm clock placed on his bedside table - it read 2:43am.

The ravenette sighed as he laid back down, he was closing his eyes before opening them right back up, trying to fall asleep but failing miserably. Eventually, his mind was calm enough to the point where he could close his eyes for a minute. That minute was very short when the sound of his phone going off made him shoot back awake.

reluctant, Cross picked up his phone, the number on the screen was Chara's 'why the hell is he awake?' Cross thought as he answered the phone.

"Hello?" he heard a huff come from the other line "Cross?" "Chara? do you have any idea how late it is?!" "Sorry, I know it's late but -hah- could you come over? it's a little urgent..." Cross knew what Chara really meant when he said 'urgent' "you're that hungry? fine, i'll be there in Ten." the short male didn't give the other any time to respond before he hung up and got out of bed - truth being said, he was actually rather thrilled that Chara had called. He loved that the platinum haired male would call him for his blood.

Cross could make Chara beg for it if he wanted, and Chara would! Chara has admitted that Cross's blood is like a drug for him, an addiction. Cross would be lying if he said he didn't like being Chara's strange addiction.

The ravenette wasted little to no time getting dressed, he just threw a black turtleneck over his tank-top and added a jacket and scarf to the look.

Cross rushed out the door, he lived close by to Chara's apartment so he just ran over. In the elevator, Cross clicked the button to the sixth floor, where Chara's room was. He waited until he heard a 'ding' meaning the elevator had reached the level.

Cross hopped out of the square room as hr strolled down the hallway, stopping ag Chara's door. He knocked and waited for a few seconds before the door swiftly swung open, revealing Chara who's eyes shunned with determination as if he was trying to get something.

The Shorter entered the apartment, he could tell Chara was trying to restrain himself as he walked by the taller. The platinum haired male closed his apartment door, and followed Chara into the living room. He had a damp cloth in hand. Cross sat down on the couch, patting the spot next to him. Chara obeyed and sat next to the shorter, he waited patiently as Cross took off his jacket, then scarf, and then finally his turtleneck sweater.

the ravenette took the wet cloth from Chara's hand and began cleaning his neck, collarbone and shoulders, the cold fabric sending goosebumps down Cross's spine. He scrubbed thoroughly, it helped to numb the area slightly as well as Chara preferred if Cross's neck was wet before he ate.

Chara sat there patiently, although his thoughts were running wild - demanding he just forced Cross to bare his neck as he ravished the shorter, but he held back, shaking those thoughts from his head as he sat there observing the shorter.

When Cross was finished he placed the cloth down onto the coffee table before shifting onto Chara's lap, Chara placed both his hands on Cross's hips huffing at the fabric that remained on the older's body.

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