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Cross and XChara are getting ready for 'XTale's Rebirth' anniversary, to celebrate the fourth year of their AU being reborn since the X-Event, however, Cross has some insecurities that cause Chara to be very ...affectionate.

!WARNING! This Story Story contains minor angst, very sexual themes, heavy smut, and a very loving and healthy couple. please click off now if these things aren't for you.

Human Cross again, tbh I like humanising all of the Sans AU's - sorryyy! I went to write this book with Cross being a skeleton (ecto, y'know?) but I couldn't be fucked trying to search and identify bone anatomy.
He will still be referred to as a monster though due to his soul. :)


It was around 9pm at night, Chara and Cross were getting ready to head out to dinner with the rest of their friends to celebrate their AU's 4th anniversary since the X-Event, they called it 'Xtale's Rebirth'. Cross was in the bathroom doing some final touch-ups with his hair that had decided to be extremely difficult today which wasn't helping with how he was feeling. With an angry huff the ravenette moved on to adjusting certain areas of his clothes, trying to look as good as possible.

footsteps could be heard from outside the bathroom before a figure made himself known. It was Chara, who was adjusting one of his sleeves before turning to face Cross, a gentle smile adorning his features.
"You Ready to go?" He asked.
Cross couldn't help but stare for a moment, Chara was wearing a jet black, slightly puff sleeved shirt, with a loose collar that revealed some of Chara's chest. He also had on some high waisted casual wide black pants, a black belt with a golden buckle that matched his gold heart locket, and some seemingly new black round toe dress shoes.

His gaze shifted from Chara and back to the mirror in-front of him.
"Yeah...just one moment more.." he muttered, visibly unhappy.
Noticing his boyfriend's displeasure, Chara titled his head and walked over to Cross
"What's this about?"
Cross pretended to adjust what he would call 'frills' on his white pirate shirt.
"What's what?" he played dumb, but Chara wasn't letting go.
"What's bothering you?"
"Nothing's bothering me, 'm fine" Cross attempted to brush off, but his dejected demeanour did him no justice as Chara saw through his lies.

The taller positioned himself behind the other male and wrapped his muscular arms around Cross in a warm embrace.
"Cross," he said in an intentionally raspy voice, burying his face into the crook of Cross's neck where he planted a gentle kiss.
"Baby don't lie to me." the younger continued.
It earned a shaky breath from Cross as his arms moved to cover Chara's.

Cross contemplated telling his loving boyfriend of two years the truth about how he was feeling and why, or if it was better if just learned to suck it up.
Glancing at the mirror in-front of them, the ravenette took in the sight of his handsome lover who was holding him so gently. A small smile formed on his face before faltering as Cross looked down - he felt so undeserving of all the attention..
undeserving of Chara...

Refusing to lift his head in fear of potentially breaking out into tears Cross asked something under his breath,
"Chara..? why me..?" It was very quiet but Chara was able to make out what is was Cross said. The younger paused momentarily, trying to register what those word's specifically meant, but nothing came clear to him.
"Come again?"

The older inhaled deeply before starting again.
"You have all these better options, Prettier options! yet you choose me of all people and I don't understand why.." He let out a nervous laugh, there truely was no happiness to it.
"We've literally tried to kill and contain each other before, we are that incompatible..."

XTale Chans Oneshots /XChara x Cross/SansWhere stories live. Discover now