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Cross and Chara have been dating for a while now, they spend every day together under the same roof. Meaning they spend the The Season of Noel together. Cross loves Christmas, Chara not so much purely because he hates winter, but maybe it isn't so bad when you're spending it with the person you love.


"Im home" was heard from the front door, followed by the sound of someone patting down their coat (reasonably to rid the snow off his clothes), another reason why Chara hated winter. "Ah, Chara!" Cross popped his head around the corner from the kitchen, "Welcome home!" there was a moment before Cross made his way over to the taller male - who was still patting snow off of himself. ignoring that factor, Cross pulled Chara in for a hug, he would never openly admit it but he dearly loved Hugging Chara, he loved the feeling of the taller's arms being wrapped around him. "You smell like cookies," Chara buried his head into the shorter's shoulder, "you've been baking?" Chara's voice was drowsy, clearly tired from work. "Yep, classic choc-chip, your favourite. they actually should be coming out of the oven right now.." the younger reluctantly let Cross go so that the older could go and pull the cookies out if the oven. Chara followed along, leaning against the island counter as he watched the shorter.

The shorter grabbed some Rudolf oven mits before pulling down the oven door and grabbing the tray of baked goods. He placed the hot metal on the stovetop above before closing the oven door and turning it off. The older used a fork to gently move the cookies off of the pan and onto a christmas plate that he insisted Chara bought. Chara didn't fancy decorating for Christmas - or any event for that matter - but ever since living with Cross, he's bought over a dozen decorations for Christmas alone. The Ravenette basically owned the whole apartment for this portion of the year! but Chara didn't have the heart to say no to him, he adored the way the shorter would light up when they passed a house adorned with Christmas lights, the way he smiled as he would decorate the Christmas tree, how happy he'd get when the younger would bring home more decorations - Chara loved all of it.

"they're a bit hot- Ow! but uh, you want one?" The shorter offered the ruby eyed male a choc-chip cookie, despite the thing burning his hand. Chara took the cookie with a smile and a 'thank you', he bit it and had mixed feelings - He wanted to spit it out because of how hot it was, but he also didn't want to because it was a fucking choc-chip cookie, he loved those! It was evident that the cookie had burnt Chara's mouth which caused Cross to laugh, Chara just flicked the older on the nose before eating the rest of the cookie and walking off into the living room. "you're so mean" The shorter crossed his arms with a huff, making the younger stick his tongue out at him from the couch. "Why do I put up with you?" Cross picked up the plate of cookies before following Chara into the living room. He placed the baked goods on the coffee table as he sat next to Chara. "Because you love me~" Chara said in a sing-song voice as he wrapped his arms around the shorter and pulled him in for another hug, bathing in the warmth of his home and the warmth his lover provided. "...I suppose-" Chara bit him on the neck playfully, the ravenette letting out a shriek of surprise - "ACTUALLY, no, I hate you." "Uh-huh" The younger wasn't buying it, only nuzzling his head into the smaller's neck more, Cross liked it, but he was supposed to be mad at Chara for no reason right now so he squirmed out of the others grasp. "Go shower, then we'll cuddle." the platinum haired male pouted, shoulders going slack as to emphasis how unimpressed he was, Cross only shooed him off.

"fine fine, Pick a movie while i'm gone" The taller got up and walked down the hallway, "okay!" Cross quickly grabbed the remote, an overly happy smile on his face, "No Christmas Movies!" Chara shouted from down the hall, and Cross's smile instantly fell, "You grinch!" he screamed back, a movie idea popping into his head.

It took a while for Chara to come back, when he did, he spotted Cross taking up the entire couch as he lazily scrolled through twitter. Chara looked to the TV screen and saw what movie Cross had picked. "I swear I said no Christmas movies?" The taller had his hands in his pockets as he looked down at Cross, who just noticed Chara was there. "The grinch is a good movie" "We watched it three weeks ago" "because it's a good movie!" Chara wasn't going to argue over a movie, so he just sighed and gestured for a Cross to sit up so he could sit down. Cross pressed play on the remote before turning and grabbing the blanket that was draped over the back of the Couch and cuddling up to Chara. The taller returned the gesture as he once again wrapped his arms around the shorter. "I let you get away with so much, why" "because you love me" "I do," Chara glanced around the overly decorated living room, lit up by gold christmas lights. "my bank account does not." Cross only chuckled, a silent agreement that he may have gone overboard this year.

The two laid there in silence, just enjoying each other's presence. Cross was resting his head on Chara's chest as he watched TV, the sound of the younger's heartbeat lulling him to sleep. Chara hadn't noticed until the movie finished and he turned to the shorter who was sound asleep. Chara tried to get up as gently as he could but the moment he went to sit up the ravenette awoke. he groaned as he looked up to see the younger, "What're you doin'?" Cross asked in a sleep-hazed voice. "well I was going to move you to the bedroom to sleep, sorry" "it's okay" The older sat up, now resting in the younger's lap. Cross yawned as he draped his arms around Chara's neck, a goofy smile on his face. Chara kissed the shorter as he placed his hands on the others hips.

a familiar rhythm picked up, the two were moving in sync, one of Cross's hands ended up being tangled up in Chara's hair whilst the other stayed wrapped around the younger's neck. Meanwhile Chara's hands had slipped under Cross's red festive sweater. The two would occasionally break apart for air, only to crash their lips back against each other as they continued to make out. Chara would bite at Cross's bottom lip, and Cross would open his mouth for the other, their tongues would clash in a pointless battle for dominance as Chara always won. The kiss becoming all the more heated by the minute as Cross brought his hips closer to Chara's, a low moan escaping both their mouths as they break from the kiss. The two locked eyes, Crimson red meeting coal black - both hazy and love dazed. Cross brought Chara in for another kiss, and Chara didn't fight back - he instead moved one of his hands to the dip of Cross's back, the intent to take this further was noted, however Just as Chara was about to, the doorbell went off.

a grumble left Chara's throat as Cross's lips left his. The older backed up off of Chara's lap to go answer the door. He peeked through the little Door Viewer, seeing Killer on the other side. "Killer?" he questioned as he opened the door, "what're you doing here?" "heyyy, Crossy. Boss wanted me to drop this off for your pretty boy," The short platinum haired male handed Cross an envelope, "It's his check -I think." "Thank you, I'll give it to him" Cross said with a hesitant smile as the two waved each other goodbye. The ravenette shut the door and locked it before making his way into the kitchen where Chara was. He snuck up behind the talker and wrapped his arms around his waist, envelope still in hand. "Your money, my love." Chara smiled as he took the envelope from Cross's hand. "Thank you, Baby." Chara turned to face Cross, pecking the shorter on the forehead.

"I take it that was Killer at the door then?" The younger asked, making himself a caramel latte and Cross a hot chocolate (by the latter's request) "it was, yes" "how'd that go?" Cross wasn't fond of Nightmare or Killer, so finding out a few years ago that Chara works for them is a bit of a pain. "Fine, he just gave me the envelope, told me it was for you, then left." Cross shrugged, watching as Chara walked over to him with a cup of hot coco in his hand. "and you're okay?" the younger questioned further, wanting to make sure the person he loves is unharmed emotionally and physically. "Im fine, Chara" Cross said with a soft smile as he took the cup of Hot chocolate from Chara, a small thank you slipping his lips.

The two made their way back into the living room, where they finished the cookies and their drinks as they watched more Christmas movies much to Chara's dismay. Chara really can't say no to the guy, that's either love or witchcraft, after all the stuff Cross and Chara have done together Chara would like to believe it's love. They wrapped up the night when Cross became too tired to keep his eyes open. Chara turned off the TV and took their mugs back to the kitchen where he quickly washed them before sitting them in the dishrack. Cross on the other hand went into their bathroom to brush his teeth, Chara soon following. When that was complete, they walked into their bedroom - which was nice and warm from the heater - and laid down on the queen sized bed. Cross was quick to get comfy under the blankets, then Chara. the older had 'invaded' the taller's side of the bed as he rested his head on the younger's chest once again. Chara was scrolling through social media like he always did before bed, Cross was just watching - occasional laugher here and there when either thought a video or comment was funny.

After a few minutes Chara switched off his phone and plugged it in to charge over night. He then turned back to Cross as the two shifted around a bit to get more comfortable, It ended with Cross being spooned by Chara, their legs intertwined as Cross rested his head in the crook of Chara's neck whilst Chara rested his head atop of Cross's. they laid like that for a while, silence starting to drift the younger off to sleep, that was until the shorter spoke up.

"Hey Chara?" "mmm?" The platinum haired male hummed in acknowledgment. "I love you." Cross finished, moving his head and looking up slightly at the younger. Chara returned the shorter'd gaze, a smile adorning his face. he pecked Cross on the lips, "I love you too, Shortcake." he reassured. Cross once hated that nickname, now all it does is make him smile. he snuggled back into their old position as the older drifted off to sleep, Chara held Cross tighter, 'winters aren't so bad afterall..'

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