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HUMAN AU, Again, lol- oops—- These are basically extended prompts, not really Oneshots but EH!
Chara and Cross have an established relationship, muah muah. I love them so much (also I'm working up the next chapter for my other book! thank you for your patience <3 )

Cross has nightmares, they've haunted him for years, HE'S Haunted him for years. It's a good thing he has a loving partner who knows how to help deal with them.


It was dark and cold, Cross was still as he looked around what appeared to be the never ending abyss. It was nightmare that felt so real, he had these nightmares too often to not realise it by now. he struggled to walk, each step seeming heavier than the rest as the dark water he walked in started to feel like tar. His chest tightened, He felt like he was drowning - He could call for help but nobody would come, nobody ever came. a shiver ran down his spine as a dark aura emerged from behind him - he knew who it was, it was the man who has kept his mind prisoner ever since the X-Event.

"This is all fake, Cross, I mean honestly do you truely believe someone wants to be with you? wake up! it's time you realise you aren't worth anything!" Nightmare's dreadful voice echoed in what Cross knew to be the dream realm, he had no idea that the dreamtale twins could enter people's dreams - alter them even. Though he quickly got used to it as the Negative God-like figure proceeded to haunt Cross's dreams for years.

"Enough! no, I'm sick of you!" he shouted at the goopy figure, earning a crazed laugh from Nightmare, a laugh that would forever haunt Cross. "You're pathetic! it's only a matter of time until everyone you love comes to realise it to!" he started, "you will NEVER be enough, Cross" Giant tentacles that had razor sharp tips loomed over Cross, who was being swallowed by a never ending black puddle. Within a second those tentacles came rushing at Cross like spear tips wanting to gut Cross.

He shoots up, sweating as he heaves through what feels like restricted lungs - he can't hear anything but his own heartbeat and a loud wringing noise that practically overwhelms his senses, making him want to rip off his ears and tear at his hair. His vision was blurry and he could feel these sort of 'vibrations' in his body as if he were jumping put of his own skin. he knew what this was - a panic attack. His thoughts are racing at an alarming pace as tears start to stream down Cross's cheeks.

He looked next to him, the spot next to him was empty that's when he felt like everything Nightmare said was true, has been true this entire time. 'Hah- I really am a worthless piece of shit! Nightmare was right, everyone's gonna leave me-' "-Cross?" He heard a gentle voice come from the doorway. immediately snapped out of his thoughts, the short male looked up, eyes wide and teary as his hands let go of his hair and fall down to his sides. "C-Chara- I-" he chocked back a sob, still having trouble steadying his breath.

Chara knew what was going on, he had seen this before many times with Cross, almost weekly. The tall male rushed over to the shorter's side, sitting back down in his spot in the bed as he grabbed his lover gently and held him, he drew patterns onto Cross's back with his finger whilst gently muttering 'breath in, 1, 2, 3...and now out'. Cross was gripping onto Chara's torso tightly - nails digging into Chara's flesh, almost as if he were afraid to let him go. Chara didn't mind, it hurt a little but he understood that Cross wasn't necessarily thinking straight at the moment.

Cross was lightly crying into the taller's shoulder with stuttering breaths as he tried to calm down and focus solely on his husbands voice. "It's okay, it's okay, I'm here." Chara Repeated in the quietest and gentlest voice he could muster. One of his hands snaked its way up to Cross's hair where he began playing with it, trying to distract Cross's mind from all the former thoughts.

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