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!Human Cross AU! - Time travel.
(I don't actually know what genre this would go under, fluff with a little bit of angst sprinkled in?)

SUMMARY: Ink had found a mysterious portal and decided to send someone through, that someone just happened to be Cross, who is sent forward 8 years into the future, and is stuck inside his future selves body.


It was a warm morning as the gentle rays from the bright sun loomed in through the window, causing Cross's eyes to flutter open. The ravenette yawned as he stretched before trying to get up, all the moving around earned a gruff and tired huff from behind him, causing Cross to pause.

Startled, the twenty-nine year old male turned his head as best as he could to get a peek of the person behind him.
Platinum locks infiltrated his vision, 'Chara...?' Cross thought as he looked closer, identifying the 'stranger' behind him as The actual Chara Dreemurr.
'wait what?!' Panicked, Cross tried to sit up but it was a futile effort as the muscular arms that are wrapped dearly around Cross's waist became noticed, holding the other in place.

Cross's faced was flushed purple, but his expression showed worry, anger and confusion.
"What the hell...?" He muttered, trying to get out of Chara's grasp with renewed carless vigour. Another groan rumbled from Chara's throat, this time followed by the larger male shifting around to prop himself up on his elbows - letting go of Cross.
"Cross... It's nine in the morning, the fuck are you doing?" Chara groggily asked, voice hoarse from not being used for hours.

The shorter sat up and crawled out of the bedsheets, a small attempt to get away from Chara.
"What am I doing? what are you doing?! Why were we in the same bed?!" Cross looked around the room, "And where the hell even am I?!"
Chara stared, slowly coming to his senses as his mind registered everything Cross was saying.
"What are you- Did Epic give you edibles? again??" The taller questioned.
"W-What? when did he give me edibles?"
"A few months ago," Chara quirked a brow as he got up walked over to Cross.
"Are you okay, you're acting weird..."
Cross stumbled back as he tried to avoid Chara to the best of his abilities.
"No! you're the one acting weird! Now I'll ask one more time, where am I?!"

Now Chara started to get concerned.
"Our bedroom?"
"our bedroom?! we don't share a bedroom!"
Chara crossed his arms and huffed.
"I don't know if this is a prank or not, but if it is then you better cut it out before I divorce you."
"divorce-? WHAT?! But we're not married! I-"
"Check your ring finger, baby."
'what?!' Cross did as he was told and Chara could swear his face lit up in all the different shades of purple.
"When did we-?"
"Three years ago, I proposed to you on December first when we were setting up the Christmas tree for your favourite holiday, we got married on February First the following year."
"W-What? no?! Three years ago was the start of the XEvent!?" Cross stated, reaching his hands up to grip at his raven locks.

That sentence in itself was enough to send a chill down Chara's spine - Had Cross seriously lost his memory?
"I wouldn't marry you! you've been nothing but a dick to me my entire life!" The shorter continued to shout, before muttering the words "This has to be a dream, so why aren't I waking up?!"
Chara stood there frozen in shock, stunned by the words that were falling from Cross's mouth. Maybe not memory loss..
"Cross," Chara started, a gentler tone but more serious than before.
"What was the last thing you remember doing before you woke up here?"
"...uh, I was hanging out with Ink and Dream..."
'Dream and Ink, of course.' The mention of those names made Chara's expression go sour - unnoticed by Cross who was still thinking.
"Ink said he wanted to Try something out, he found a portal or something and thought maybe it lead to another Multiverse."
"So he sent you through?" The taller questioned, getting a nod from Cross and another sigh from himself.
"And yeah, that's all I remember.."
"....You said the XEvent started three years ago?" Chara rhetorically asked in a stern voice that sent shivers down Cross's spine. He knew the guy to be a playful prick who insulted anyone lesser than him - which was everyone apparently. So him suddenly being serious certainly made Cross feel small.
"Y-Yes, Three years ago... why?"
"Because the XEvent was Ten years ago."
'Ten years ago-' "WHAT?"
Now Cross was panicking, where the hell did Ink send him, and how the fuck does he get back?!

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