PHONE SEX🌹(some🌸)

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The title is pretty self explanatory. haven't written for a while so I hope you enjoy!


Bored. Cross was bored. As he sat on the couch with nothing but his own thoughts to occupy his mind.

That, and the movie that was playing before his eyes on the TV. it was 'Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 1.' A film that consist of vampires and werewolves. two of each species had fallen head-over-heels for a human girl. it was... an interesting movie to say the least, and Cross's first time watching the film.

He wasn't really thrilled with the movie, but it felt like the only thing to watch. given it seemed he had already watched every other film in existence.

This was routine, movie night. Only normally he'd be perched in his boyfriends lap, doing whatever the two would desire to do with one another. He couldn't do that tonight though, as his lover was away on a family vacation 4 hours away...

As much as Chara wanted Cross to tag along, the older insisted that the albino spent some time alone with his family. A decision he was beginning to regret. it was 11:38 at night, Chara was supposed to call 38 minutes ago.

scowling, Cross let out a loud groan of annoyance as he threw his body weight (which really wasn't much) back onto the couches backrest. The monster tried to divert his attention from all the thoughts about his tall, smug-ass, significant other, back to the boring film in front of him. A futile attempt really as he just began to zone out instead, listening as the air conditioning in the room blasted cold air into the room.

That was until he heard a moan come from the TV speaker (which was just loud enough for Cross to hear). causing the male to Instantly shoot up from his slouched position, his cheek bones began to tint a gentle lilac color. The scene now on the screen was a show of rough sex between the main female cast - Bella - and her Vampire lover - Edward. A scene that reminded Cross of his own intimate nights with his Boyfriend.

the thought of sex led his mind to wondered to previous nights, specifically before Chara left for vacation a week and a half ago. The TV became nothing but a background noise, the scene ending soon after. But Cross continued to pay no mind to it.

His mind now stuck on the thoughts of Chara's hands roaming all over his body. from his hips to his thighs. Grabbing all over his legs as he repositioned Cross, or pinning his wrist as he retrained him. Retouching the fleshy magic that he knew all too well. Biting and sucking as he went. whispering all the sweet and degrading words to Cross.

He let out a shaky breath as he continued to let his thoughts roam, his hand subconsciously falling into his lap where a tent began to form.

being repeatedly used by the taller as the albino shamelessly ruined Cross. Leaving the older an incoherent purple mess beneath him as the onslaught of sexual pleasure continued. Oh Cross desired it. His hand slipped under the waist band of his pants and boxers, allowing his erection to be freed.

The cold air of the room left him shivering. But, he knew he wouldn't even feel the cold in a few moments.

His hand wrapped around his shaft, his fingers starting at the slit. he grazed his bony fingers across the luminescent purple magic in a way that would resemble XChara's movements. Teasing. it was almost perfect.

He let out a symphony of sounds as his hands began to move up and down his dick slowly. Pre-cum acting as a lubricant for this motion. His pace began to pick up and more sounds left Cross's mouth, and occasionally, Chara's name. He would cover his face in shame, but continued the sinful notion, quickening the movement - slipping his fingers over the slit of his dick every now and then.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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