chapter 5: The plan

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Mean while after peter and my siblings escaped, they went to go see the lost boys for help. "Nibs, twins, tootles, curly. this is Amber, Justin, and Brandon.Ashley and Arya are on Right handed jacks ship.And they need our help." peter looked at the lost boys and then looked at each and everyone of my siblings."whats the plan?" Amber blurted out "Well, i think that we can get on the ship when the pirates are asleep" Justin exclaimed "they always have at least one pirate up and making sure that i don't come aboard and try to kill Jack. Trust me I've already tried to get aboard But everytime I get ether shot at or they all wake up. Its hopeless!" "there there peter, there has to be a weak spot." Amber said patting him on the back.

Peter was mad that he had made me out of his sight and he wished that he would be on Jacks ship not me. Just then peter saw a glow out of the corner of his eye. T'was Tinkerbell she had been sitting on a mushroom crying for the sake of her daughter. And for the fact that the Lost boys were talking about death and what if their new mother that they haven't even met die and they would never meet her. "what if Ashley is like Wendy?" Nibs said "What if she runs back back home and we never see her again?" the twins said "Or what if Ashley stay?" everyone turns to look at peter who they thought of all people would at least want to tink about her staying and never going back to the life she had before. "Won't that be up to Ashley?" Amber looked at peter "Of course Amber, Ashley will get to choose whether or not she wants to stay or not."peter looked over in Amber's direction his voice numb from everything that had been going on.

"Peter are you ok?" Brandon had asked just then Peter rose his hands "Can't a guy feel bad guilty for he did for himself not for the girl-" his voice trailed off. "Ok" Tootales was talking to Tinkerbell. "Ok ,Ok I'll tell him." Tootales looked over in peter direction. Then starts walking towards him, he stops right in front of Peter. "Tinkerbell says that we should try what we tried with Hook. He'll wanted to kill the beast that killed his father." Tootales then looked at Tinkerbell then looked at Peter once more "What a excellent idea!" "Ok but the beast that killed Hook is died and bones in the Lost Cave." Curly pointed to a nearby cave. "So now what?" Tootales said. just then peters eyes widened its like a light bulb went off "If we can't get her the old fashion way then we'll just have to convince Right Handed Jack that it's not between him and Ashley nor him and Arya" peter exclaimed "but between him and I" peter walked towards Tinkerbell who was crying in the back corner of the little underground tree space.

"Tinkerbell we will find you daughter. We will get everyone including Arya safe and sound at home." Tinkerbell looked up her eyes red and puffed out from crying so much. she looked at him and finally smiled since the first time her daughter had been missing. she then told him to come closer so she could whisper into his ear. he did so. "Ok" peter got up and looked at my siblings then looked at the lost boys then back at Tinkerbell. "She said that Right Handed Jack will rue the day that he kidnapped her daughter and Ashley" peter took his sword off of the shelf right next to him, and held it in the air and yelled "We shall go tomorrow!" peter didn't say this in his usual voice he had said this in Hooks voice "Wait!" everyone turned from Peter to Tinkerbell "What if we made Jack believe his his father was still alive by using Peters Hook voice." everyone turned and looked at peter "So I do it this all the time" everyone turned to Tinkerbell but before they had a chance Amber stopped them by talking and instead of them turning to Tinkerbell they turned to her. "what Tinkerbell is trying to say is that we can distract Right Handed Jack with your Hook voice" Peter walked over to Amber "Why did you interrupt Tinkerbell its bad enough that you don't believe in fairies now this!" Tinkerbell looked at peter she had never seen her in such a rage.

"Peter! Peter its ok! calm down!" Tinkerbell flew towards Peter who's fist was up ready to hit Amber. Peter reacted with a swoosh and Tinkerbell hit the floor with a thud. Like I said before she had never seen him in such a rage. Peter turned back and looked at Tinkerbell. "Tinkerbell I..... I really didn't mean.... I really didn't mean to hurt you." Tinkerbell just sat up as if nothing had happened.

Meanwhile on the ship the pirates were getting the plank out. Jack looked at me "You know it doesn't have to be this way. you can still join me like the other lost boys. Oh and like your great great grandmother Wendy." just then my face sank to no expression on my face. "Oh! you didn't hear that she wanted to be a pirate and be named Red Handed Jill!" he paused looked at the plank then back at me. I then grabbed the dagger from his left pocket and cut myself free. Jack then turned around he had no idea that i had uncut the rope that he had put on me. he stood there for a while and then finally he left.

I then undid myself and went to the first deck of the boat where Hooks room was. i found Arya she was tied up to the pole right beside the door. Her eyes red from crying. Never had i seen her so sad. "Arya" she looks up to see that I'm there and lies her head back down in a mournful passion. i had barely noticed that she was on a piece of ice and kept on slipping. Evey time that she'd slip her arms would get out of place.If the ice melted then her arms would fall completely off. "Arya, I promise I will get you out of here." my eyes were filled with tears and it was hard for me to whisper. I then heard voices. Smee at first, then Jacks. "Arya I'll be back" I then ran to the nearest space and also the darkest. that i could find and hid. Just then I hear a door. "Well, well, well looks like the ice hasn't melted all the way." Jacks voiced boomed through the room. "Ay captain do you want me to cut off at least halve of it off since its not melting fast enough?" I pecked through the space I was in and I saw that Smee had his knife out ready to cut. "No let the girl suffer" Jack looked over at the pole that i had once been tied up to only to find a empty spot where i once stood. "where is the girl?" his voice grew in forestation "Isn't she there captain?" Smee replied "No you absolute! why would I be asking...." he paused I think that he saw me because he looked straight at me. "Come at me or your perishes friend gets it!" I got out of the closet I was in and stood there.

"You can do anything to me just don't hurt her." He looked at me with those blood shot eyes. I continued "Let Arya go and... I will take her place" Jack started towards me "You will?" he held a dagger to my throat "Yes I said I would didn't I?" Jack looked at Smee "Cut Arya loose" Smee looked at him in confusion."What about-" Jack interrupted him "Just do it!" his voiced boomed. Smee cut the rope that bound Arya and the pole. Smee held the body of Ayra up by her feet then sat her on a pillow that had been right beside Arya when she had been on the pole. Jack looked at me. He then told me to turn around. And then he tied me up and grabbed me by my hair. "Why do have to be  so.... Whats the word oh yeah stupid"  his lips pressed to my ear "Now you and your friend, peter will die!" he said softly he then looked out side and only thing he saw a dark figure.

Once more like before Smee tried to think it was Hook. Again. But Jack knew what happened last time. Jack looked at the figure with curiously. He had thought that if he had asked him the same question if he would answer the same way that he had answered last time. "Animal?" Jack said "Ay" the figure replied. But Jack was smarter then the figure or so he thought. "Man?" Jack was walking figure now "NO!" the boyish voice answered. Like before Smee yelled "IT'S HIM! SHOOT HIM!" And like before Jack stopped him. But Jack this time held a dagger to the figures throat. "I've got you right where I want you, Pan" Jack said with my hair in one hand and the other the dagger held up to the figures neck. Then it was as if a light bulb went off in Jacks head. Instead of holding the dagger up to the figures neck he held it up to mine. I tried to retaliate but he pulled my hair harder and harder until I was down on my knees.

"What do you say Peter, your girlfriend for you" Jack snarled. "Jack,.. Jack please don't hurt her I will surrender if you let her go....... and you can take me instead" Before Jack could answer I screamed at the top of my lungs "PETER NO!!! I'M IN THE PLACE OF..." never got to finish my sentence before I could say anything else they gaged me. Jack looked at me and then Smee. "If you want to take the place of this ....girl then you will have to do one thing for me" Jack looked at the figure "Anything" the boyish voice answered. "Step into the light" Just as told the figure stepped into the light and indeed it was Peter. But there was something about his eyes that they were not the same color as they had always been they were blue. Not green blue. 

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