chapter1:the boy

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1 the boy

My day was normal. Got home from school, ate something, and went to work on my homework. When I done with my home work, I then to decided to watch a little TV and I fell asleep.

I woke to my startling surprise I found a flying boy over my bed. He then asked me the of "are you her great granddaughter?" I had no idea who "her" was and why he here? In my bedroom? "I do say I have no clue what you are talking about, who is "her" and why are you here?" I sounded unnormal and unsure about his answers. "She said you might do this."

The boy was now sitting on my bed and I looked at him in a wired and coarsely. He looked at me with happiness and joy. "Who is "she"?" I asked him once more. The boy looked up with a smile. ""She" is your great grandmother, Wendy Moria Angela Darling" he said "and you are-" he paused and looked at me with the same smile my mom told me about. "My name is that what you want?"I said looking at him "yes that would be nice." The boy looked at me as if to bring it from me. "Ashley Denise Salyards" I said in a rush. "Well, Ashley my name is peter pan" he said with a big smile on his face. "Well I think I'm dreaming so I'm going to sleep."

Just as I was about to close my eyes I hear little bells. I thought it couldn't be, no shut your eyes. Shut them now! But my eyes wouldn't budge. Then all of a sudden I see a flash of light. It couldn't be. Was the story true? Was everything I had believed in true? "Please Ashley me and Tink need your help" peter pulls the blanket and looks at me with his green eyes matching my brown eyes perfectly. "OK, but who is Tink? And what happen? And how can I help? I said still looking into his green eyes. "Tink is my fairy, and what happen after Wendy left and halve of my lost boys went with her. Is that more babies fell out of their prams and they went to Neverland. Well, one of those lost boys wanted to be a pirate. He wanted to join them. Not only that but also be the leader of them. His name is right handed jack. They called him this because he had two right hands. And the other side was completely normal. We had later found out that he didn't fall out of his pram like the other lost boys. He had run away." Peter looked around. He had said all of this in a whisper. Because my older sister was sleeping in the same room.

"Come away come away to Neverland." He grabbed my hand "I can't just drop what I'm doing and go with you." I said "but it wouldn't be dropping anything" he said his smooth voice made me want to fly off to Neverland with him right then and there.  His eyes danced with happiness. "I don't know what to say." I said stuttering every word that came out of my mouth. "Say you will. And help me." "Can I take my brothers? And my sister?" I looked into those wild eyes of his. "Please it would make me feel a whole lot better." he nodded. i jumped to my feet and tiptoed to my brother's room were they lye and i woke them.Peter of course fallowed me and helped me wake them.

Justin woke up with a dazed expression. He looked surprised that he had been woke up by a strange boy with vine wear. peter had dirty blond hair with tan looking skin and hazel eyes. Justin sat up in his bed "who are you?" Justin said in a worried voice. "I'm peter pan" Justin's jaws sank to his knees. "oh peter is it really you?!" he said getting out of his bed and looking more clearly at the boy. "wake up!" I was pushing at Brandon trying to get him out of his bed.just than I hear a strange noise.OH no i had almost forgotten my GRANDMOTHER! I had two choices. 1 peter would have to teach me how to fly and fast. 2 or me wait under my brothers smelly bed. I chose number 1. except he didn't teach me he just scooped me up and took me to my bed. then when my grandmother went to check on me he clung to the ceiling and i acted like i was sleeping. I looked up on the ceiling and laughed because peter looked like he was glued to it. Then he floated like an angel down and he was inches away from a kiss.

"oh the cleverness of you" I had once saw that in a movie. I looked over i had almost forgot about my sister sleeping in the bed right next to me. "peter please wake he she will never believe me if I say that Ive met peter pan" i was so sad that amber would not believe me if i had told her. Peter than went and over to her bed and shook her. Amber called out my name pleading me to stop shaking her.But peter would't stop. She Finally sat up in her bed and looked directly at peter. "hi I'm peter pan. you must be-" he said holding out his hand in passion that was to be refereed as handshake. she looked at the hand then at peter, who stood with what looked like to her as a dumb stooper. "going to bed" she said "goodnight" i was really surprised . and so was peter. "Amber we are here for your sister. She says that you and the boys will really enjoy Neverland and i do recall her telling me that you use to love the movies about me did you not?"

He had been passing back and forth in mid air but still i think that really made her not convinced. "how do i know that I'm not dreaming?" she looked at him in a way that spelt out the words how can you prove this you silly ass. "Would you really dream about a boy i love?" both peter and Amber looked at me. "well i mean look at you your the same age-" my voice trailed off "well anyway are you going or not" i said in a kinda rude way. "i guess I can go. Just let me get my shoes." she grabed her shoes and we were off.

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