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When Marty finally got to the school, he saw Annie waiting there for him.

Marty asked, "Annie?"

Annie warned, "Marty! You can't come this way! Strickland is looking for you and if he catches you, it will be four tardy's in a row!" Annie grabbed his arm and yanked him to the other side of the school. Annie looked down the hall and turned back to him, "All is clear."

Marty and Annie started to walk down the hall.

Marty told his cousin, "It's not my fault, Annie. Doc set all of his clocks twenty five minutes slow."

Before Annie could say anything, Mr. Strickland saw and came over to them.

He asked, "'Doc'? Am I to presume that you two are still hanging around Doctor Brown?" That's when he gave Annie a tardy slip. He added, "Miss Baines."

Annie took the slip from him and sarcastically said, "Thanks."

Mr. Strickland turned to Marty, giving him a tardy slip, "Doctor Brown is a nutcase and I suggest that you two stop seeing him before you get in trouble."

Marty sarcastically told him, "Oh, yes sir."

Mr. Strickland huffed, "You've got a real attitude problem, McFly. You're a slacker just like your old man."

Marty rolled his eyes, sounding impatient, "Can we go now?"

Mr. Strickland pointed out, "I also noticed that your band is also signed up for the dance's band. Why even bother, McFly? No McFly has ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley."

Marty stated, "Yeah, well history is about to change. Come on, Annie."

Annie replied, "Right behind you." She turned to Mr. Strickland and said, "Bye Mr. Strickland."

With that, the cousins went to their class.


Later on that day, the Pinheads were at the tryouts. Annie had gone with them. She wanted to see how everything went in person. One of the teachers grabbed a megaphone.

Male Teacher commented, "Okay, next band."

That's when Marty and his band take the stage. Marty spoke into the microphone.

He told the teacher, "We're the Pinheads." He turned to the band and added, "Okay, let's do it!"

With that, the band started to play. Annie is smiling at Marty and the band. Suddenly the male teacher grabbed the megaphone.

He commented, "I'm sorry; you're just too darn loud. Next, please!"

Marty's face fell as did Annie. Neither of them was expecting that.


Later that day, in front of City Hall, the cousins were talking.

Marty complained, "Too loud! I don't believe it!"

Annie reassured, "Marty, you shouldn't let one rejection rule your life. That's why you should send in this tape to the record company. You're really good. It's like Doc always says..."

Marty interrupted, "I know. 'If you can put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.' Thanks Annie but what if they tell me that I'm no good? What if they tell me to get out of here kid you have no future. I don't think I could handle that kind of rejection." Marty frowned when he realized, "Geese, I'm starting to sound like my old man."

Annie protested, "Oh, come on, Marty! Uncle George isn't that bad!" To that, Marty shot her a look. She corrected, "Okay, he's that bad."

Just then a tow truck brought by a 4 by 4. It caught Marty's attention.

He told her, "Check out that four-by-four, Annie."

She groaned, "Guys and their cars."

Marty shot her another look, "I heard that."

Annie pointed out. "I didn't say it so that you couldn't."

Marty realized, "You know that truck would be perfect for our camping trip. You and I at the lake together like the old days."

The girl smiled, "Those were some good times."

An old lady came over to the cousins with a cup and fliers in her hand.

She stared to say, "Save the clock tower! 30 years ago, lightning struck that tower and the bells haven't rung since. We are at the Hill Valley historically..."

Marty put a quarter in her cup. "There's a quarter for you."

The old lady was pleased, gave them a flier, and walked away.

Annie mumbled, "You know sometimes, I wonder if she will ever get enough money."

Marty added, "Me too." That's when the guitarist remembered, "Oh, yeah. Doc wants us to meet him at Twin Pines Mall at 1:15 tomorrow morning."

Annie questioned, "Why the hell so early?"

Marty answered, "Search me but why don't we go to my house for dinner and your place to crash?"

Annie nodded in agreement. With that, the two of them got on their skateboards and headed back to Marty's house.


Wishmaker1028: Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

Cousin's in Time: Part IWhere stories live. Discover now