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October 26, 1985

12:45 a.m.

Marty's POV

I woke up a little groggily and answered the phone.

I groggily said, "Hello, Baines residence."

"Marty, did you fall asleep?"

That was Doc. I checked the clock in the bedroom and saw that it was 12:45 a.m.

I groggily answered, "Uh, no Doc."

Doc asked, "Listen, can you pick up my video camera on your way to the mall? I forgot it at my house."

I answered, "Uh, yeah sure thing Doc."

I hung up on Doc and headed into Annie's room. She was asleep. I blushed. Yeah, I had a crush on her. After all, I have been there for her ever since she was twelve. We have been through a lot in the past four years. How could I not have a crush on her?

I shook her gently and said, "Annie, wake up."

Annie stirred and asked, groggily, "What is it, Marty?"

I smiled and answered, "We've got to go meet Doc, Annie."

Annie jumped up and said, "Then, let's get going!"

I smiled at her and we headed out. We skateboarded to Doc's place, picked up his camera, and skateboarded to the mall.

We got to the parking lot and saw it was 1:15 a.m. We saw Doc's van and Einstein. Both Annie and I started to pet Einstein and ask him where Doc was. As if he had planned it, the door of his van opened up and in some smoke, out came a De Lorean. Doc got out of the De Lorean and saw the two of us.

He smiled and said, "Marty, Annie. I'm glad you made it!" He gestured at the DeLorean and asked, "What do you think?"

I looked as did Annie. It was a normal De Lorean.

I stated, "It's a De Lorean."

Annie shot me a look and said, jokingly, "No kidding Marty. I thought it was a horse and buggy."

I shot her the same look back and Doc waved us off.

He said, "Never mind that now. Start rolling."

I held up the camera and he said, "Hello, I'm Doctor Emmett Brown standing in Twin Pines Mall parking lot at 1:15 a.m. on October 26, 1985."

I checked my watch and confirmed it.

I said, "Check, Doc."

Annie checked her watch too and confirmed it too. She said, "We got it, Doc."

Doc got Einstein into the De Lorean and said, "Please note that Einstein's watch is in perfect timing with my watch."

Doc closed the door and came over to an open spot of the parking lot.

He said, while holding a remote, "When this baby gets up to 88 MPH, you're going to see some serious shit."

When Doc got the car up to 55, he let go of the remote and the De Lorean came right at us. Annie and I were both ready to bail but just then, the De Lorean vanished into a flash of light. Two pairs of fire trails were below us. The license plate was the only one left behind. Doc smiled and started to jump up and down. Wait, why is Doc celebrating? He just desegregated Einstein! Annie picked up the license plate and dropped it because it was hot.

She blurted out what I was thinking, "Jesus Christ Doc! You desegregated Einstein!"

Doc shook his head and explained, "I didn't desegregate Einstein!"

Cousin's in Time: Part IWhere stories live. Discover now