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I was lying to everyone

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I was lying to everyone. Repetitively since the breakup I had been saying I don't want a wild rebound to come back, even though I broke up with her. It's kind of complicated like that. And I think my best friend could tell I was lying too.

What else was complicated was this party. I was missing out on a lot of background information. Sometimes I forget so many things people have their own lives I don't know about. The party had given me a reality check too, or a friendly reminder Nancy was never a good person. My ex, Nancy.

It started simple, I was looking for a boy and there was this one below me. He had little piercings and he was blonde. Pale blonde. But his brows were a defined brown. But he had a girl with him. Though, I couldn't make out who it was. He was really cute and made a move, but I'm not going to lie I was scared. I was scared maybe Nancy was right. So I'm not trying to open up fast.

But when the guy, Intratcher, whose name I learned later on, got in a huge fight out of nowhere I had no clue what to do. I didn't even know Nancy had come to the party. Yet she must've known I came because the second he laid hands on me she was in fight mode. Then some random guy—in his pajamas by the way—punched her in the back of the head! And then an elementary school friend, Evelyn, got in an argument with him? Everything has just changed so fast and I'm no longer up to date.

Though now here I was. Just standing behind the poolside couch and watching all of this go down. I jumped back as Nancy pounced on Intratcher. The whole couch swung with the fight too, but if I'm being honest Nancy was winning. I didn't know what to do and I looked at Zoey for help but she looked back at me concerned. Should I say something?

Stepping forward I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I tried again. "Nancy, please stop." I cried though I didn't think she could hear me. Zoey signified for me to amp it up so I did. "Nancy! Quit it!" She definitely heard me.

Wanting to faint as I felt I had zero control over everything here, I took a step away from the fight. All eyes were on us except I was missing half of the puzzle here. The people acted like I knew what was happening!

The boy in pajamas pushed past me and grabbed at Nancy's shirt collar in the back, as she wiggled to attack Intratcher. He was leaning a whole lot of his body back to drag her forward to the pool. Her red hair tangled and I swore he choked the freckles off of her shoulders. My hands were cupped over my mouth and nose as I gasped. There was too much happening that I especially didn't understand.

 There was too much happening that I especially didn't understand

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Plop, ting! The bathroom faucet spat as my phone buzzed off. Embarrassing to admit but there I was dapping my under eye with a sheet of folded toilet paper while my mascara ran. This whole party idea was dumb, and it just has me overthinking because last time I checked I wasn't the one getting my ass beat out there.

Zoey then stopped calling my phone. Abruptly so that I could assume her phone died. That's great, I would talk to her but I wasn't in the state to go out there. My heels were scattered on the ground and tangled on the wool carpet. It's not even like I was looking in a real mirror either, I was curled on this stranger's toilet seat with an airpod in my ear using my Snapchat camera cause my feet hurt.

"Evelyn!" I could hear a man yelling, I could hear him over my music too, geez. "Evelyn!-" His voice rose as it got closer and the door chimed as he tried opening the door. "-Are you in there? C'mon, where did you go?"

"I'm not Evelyn," I muttered glaring at the door like he could see me anyway. Though he pestered on, and on. "Did you not hear me? I'm not Evelyn—go away!" I groaned, throwing the toilet paper roll at the door.

What? Not like I'm going to see these people ever again, I'll do what I want. Though as he kept knocking I pryed my shoe back on and fixed myself up in the mirror. I then reluctantly opened the door to notice a lot of people had left. Like a lot. The only people left were me, the boy in pajamas, a group of girls just leaving as I opened the door, apparently Evelyn, and Intracher, who was at the door.

My face flushed up and my eyes widened. When the door unlocked he spun around and we stared at each other for a quick second. "Hey Taylor!" he smiled. This was so embarrassing. The boy in pajamas glanced over at me as well, I could tell he didn't want to make it obvious, but he did.

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