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Some day I'll be a therapist—or a teacher

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Some day I'll be a therapist—or a teacher. Although yesterday I was thinking doctor. Sitting at my desk I sat, chewing my pen and trying to figure out what colleges to apply to. At that moment I had to drop the pen, because i was scared ink would spew. Going back to resting my chin on my palm, I began losing myself in thought.

Any job there is I've considered taking up. However, all I'm feeling to think about at the moment is my job at Wendy's, what was for dinner, volleyball tryouts, and overall anything but the fact I'm expected to be in college today and next year.

Nearly falling out of my seat, my phone vibrated as I got a message from Intratcher. Popping up and scooting in on my desk, I reached over for my phone. In the message, he asked me if I would like to go ice skating with him and a few other friends on the upcoming Wednesday. My legs swung under my chair as I flipped my planner open to check if I was busy knowing I was saying yes anyway.

My finger grazed over each box, going over different events in the week. That tuesday I would be hanging out with Zoey at the mall, and that thursday I had Acers VolleyballClub tryouts. Nothing on wednesday, although my mom hated if I went out too many days in the week. Again, enough convincing, and I'm in! I dried them clicked my pink gel pen. 'Ice Skating at — PM.' I then drew three hearts in each corner, clipped my pen onto the page, and shut my planner.

Having friends from other schools in the district like this wasn't something less popular kids did. Not like I was unpopular, but I was never the center. Before people like Zoey and Nancy, not like they're alike, the group I hung out with was friends like Evelyn, who had been at the party from the night before.

She hit a peak and held her prime from 2nd grade till the end of middle school, which was when we stopped going to school together and she stopped reaching out, so it's safe to assume she's still holding onto it. Evelyn had gone on a trip to Cuba and given everyone in class these exotic candies, that winter she was the only one with a lurking tan that shined so bright the teacher could forget her missing assignments.

We became friends when we sat next to each other in 4th grade, I loved to brush through her naturally soft pin hair and put it in cute braids or pigtails. Regardless of whether it looked "dumb" she always looked like a princess, which sort of set me as her knight. I could stand up to anyone, anytime, anywhere, as long as it wasn't Evelyn. Seeing her at the party the night before, even if we didn't speak, and even if it was a bad time, I missed our friendship.

Maybe she'd go ice skating with us, as she goes to the same school as Intratcher. As well as the fact they seemed really close. I would love to go! What time?" I responded to his message after leaving it on read for a minute. Closing my phone, I twisted the jaw string on my kitty-printed pj pants. Glancing at the clock I noticed that it was 11:23/too late to be thinking about school. Shutting my computer I sunk into my bed and squeezed my lasting energy out into my stuffed plushies.

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