Halloween night (NSFW)

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~ 11: 45 p.m - Oct. 31st 2020 - a hotel in Konoha ~

The smell of...


After many drinks, i fell in hands of a huge and muscular man. Since it was dark, none of us knew who we look like. But it didn't matter. We got along well enough to get this close. He kissed me rough, but tenderly. He had sharp teeth. I felt them against my lips. Without begging i let his tongue in. His hands groped my breast. His bulky left arm supported his weight. My hands touched every inch i could grab. 

He broke the kiss. Without asking he spread my legs. My hands grabed his pectorals. "W-Whoa.. please be gentle... it's been a while." i begged him. He grunts. "I'm never gentle. But I'll try..." he whispered and got rid of my panties. My hands opened his belt. He got rid of his pants. What i could feel was... intimidating. His throbbing dick rubbed against my inner thigh. He really wanted it... so do i. But his face fell against my neck. Nibbling around, while his teeth scratched my skin. He licked the blood away. 

I felt one of his fingers sliding inside me. "So wet..." he whisperes. After a while another finger slides in. I moaned by his stretching. "Moan for me..." he said. I couldn't say a word. As a thrid finger found his way in, i raised my voice. "Just take me!" i said with a cracking voice. "You said i should be gentle, just wait a bit. Otherwise you pass out." he said and pushed himself up. His words were kinda threatening. But his monstrous dick may be the reason for it. 

The tip of his dick was placed at my entrance. He didn't wait for a single and pushed it in. It felt like being split in two. He wasn't going slow. It burnt, out of reflex i pressed my hands against his chest. For a brief moment he stopped. 

"You're so tight, but you can take it..." 

he whisperes with his deep voice. It made my pussy clench his cock. He grunts by that movement. "That's my girl.." he whisperes while pushing deeper. He reached my womb, but only half his cock fitted me. We didn't cared and he started thrusting.

First slow for me to get used to his size...
Then he gets faster and harder...
In the end he lost his patience. 

His thrust were so rough, i could fly away if he wasn't holding me tight. "So pretty wet. So fucking pretty wet!" he said. I closed my eyes and scratched his back muscles. Without an warning he bit me in my shoulder. I screamed in pain. He licked my blood away for forgiveness. It was a whole new experience for me. 

As my orgasm formed i pressed my nails in his skin. It inspire him to go even harder. He got sloppy with his thrusting. So i knew he was near his end. 

"I-I'mma cum!" i moaned. "Cum for me.." he whispered. Both of us came at the same time. His seed filled my womb. 

Suddenly a knocking was on our door. 

He slides out, made an even more mess. "Ok, i gotta go. See ya." he said kissing my forehead. He grabs his costume and got dressed. After that he jumps out of the window. Thank god we're in the second floor! Hopefully he didn't got hurt... 

"Miss Nakaya are you okay?" a hotellier asked. "Yes, just his my head. Sorry!" i said. The employee left. I tried to stand up but... it didn't worked out. 

I'm sore!

But i still managed to remove the covers. So i'm waiting an hour to walk out....

Kisame x OC / Loving a Criminal~Where stories live. Discover now