Call interference

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~ 3rd November 2023 - 06:00 a.m~

Something made the bed wiggle. I opened my eyes. "Oh... sorry. Not used to be silent in my bed." Kisame whispered and stroke my hair. "What time is it?" i asked him and closed my eyes. "6 a.m..." he said and layed his heavy arm over my shoulders. Immediately it felt like a 100 Kg! "H-Heavy~" i whispered. "... i'm not fat." he whispered and fell asleep.

How am i supposed to sleep now?! 

I wiggle my body until his arm slided to my waist. I could finally breath and fell asleep too. 



We both got shocked and sat upright in his bed. "Do you await someone?" i asked. "Nah. Ignore it." he mumbles and pushed me back in his arms. This time he didn't fell asleep. Instead he nibbles at my neck. I couldn't resist, a moan slipped out. He humms. "Turn around." he whispered. I did as i was told. We kissed tenderly. 


Kisame grasped tight on my thighs. He got mad. I kinda felt that. He was even rougher than he usual was. But he didn't let loose. Within an instand he ripped his shirt off me and thrusts his clothed buldge against my throbbing cunt. A few more moans escaped my lungs. 


Now Kisame got really mad. His rage made him trembling. He threw me off him and toweres over me. He ripps our pants off and spread my legs. Without any warning he thrusts in me. I hold my mouth with both of my hands. So i don't scream in pleasure. His massive dick tears my womb apart. I really felt like being split in two. Every thrust he made was filled with lust and rage. 


Whoever dared to fuck with Kisames patience is going to die. Kisames rage got out of control. He punches the head piece of his bed. It broke so easy. He is still raging inside himself. I didn't know what to do, so i cupped his face with my hands. With a soft smile i tried to cool his head. Kisame is breathing really heaving. He slits out of me. "I'll be back in a few. Just don't make a noise in here. Don't look what i do to this fucker." he said and kissed me. "You're leaving me here unsatisfied?" i asked with pouted cheeks. He smiles at me. "Hell no. I'll pound you until you're unconcious. Right after i killed the guy." he said and left with his sweatpants. 

I heard another male voice. Someone i didn't recognize... who could it be? Kisame wasn't nice to this poor guy. I sat up and stretched my upper body. While Kisame is getting pissed and insulted our interfere, his phone buzzed. It wasn't my nature to check who it could be. But whoever it was, wasn't going to stop at all. So i looked on the screen. 

> Toji < 

It seemed urgent so i ran to Kisame in his shirt only. He just shut the door. I hold his phone up. He read who it was. "Ah... on time." he whispered and took it. He layed his heavy arm around me. My face is now squeezed in his broad muscular chest. Vibrating while he talked. It was my excatsy, so i couldn't hear exactly what he said. We, more like he, walked back in the bedroom. He suits himself and pulled me on his lap. Like in trance, i planted a lot of small kisses against his neck. A silent moan left his lips. His hand grasped a handfull of my hair und kissed me tenderly. That's where i heard his caller Toji for the first time. 


I flinched at the aggressive tone. It was similiar to Kisame's voice. Kisame meanwhile clicked his tongue. He looked at my scared face. "We're not fucking, well... not right now." he said. I tried to crawl down from him, thinking i'm disturbing him. But Kisame grasped my waist and hold it in a tight grip. "You're going nowhere. Gimme a minute" he whispered in my ear. The caller grumbled really loud. I slightly nodded. Kisame's hand slit under the shirt and groped my breasts. I moaned quietly. Letting my head fall in his neck. My throbbing cunt yarns for his affection. My mind got cloudy. I didn't realised that the call ended and Kisame gave me his full attention. His bulge twitched in his pants. My cunt wet my panties, pretty sure he felt that. 

Kisame turned us around with ease. Towering over me, kissing from my lips down to my pelvis. "Told you what i'm going to do." he whispered against my wet cunt. Within a second he ripped it off me. He ripped his pants off and his massive dick smeared his pre-cum against my inner thigh. I bit my lip. "Kisa... fuck me already!" i plea. He licks his lips hungry. "As you wish." he said. Not even a second later he pounded the life outta me. 

~ an hour later ~

I came out of a cold shower. Wearing nothing but an oversized shirt. As i walked into the kitchen area, i saw Kisame calling someone. He leaned against the counter and seemed a bit annoyed. "As i fucking told ya, ask her not me. I'm not even in the fucking area!... what d'ya mean with that? Fucking dickhead. I'mma kill-" Kisame cursed a bit and looked over to me. I tilted my head and was curious. He wasn't annoyed - he was mad. "Toji. Listen... don't do anything. let her come to us. Not the type who loves unwanted help from her brothers. Ok. see ya." Kisame ended the call. 

Time to ask him about that Toji-guy

"May i ask, who was that? I-I mean... if you do-" i couldn't even finish because my tall hubby cut me off. "It was my brother Toji. Younger brother. Nothing special about him. Just needed advice." he said and waved it off. 

Well at least i know he has a brother. But something is missing. he said brothers

Kisame must've noticed my thoughts. He sighed. "We have a younger sister. Nothing special okay?" he said. I chuckled. "For your information, i don't have siblings. Just parents who hate my from their guts." i said. "Guess your family sucks as much as mine. But you're not from a clan huh?" he asked. i shake my head. His crooked smile came back. 

"Let's order lunch. I'm hungry." Kisame said. i rolled my eyes. 

He's always hungry

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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