Alone at home

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Night #1

After Kisame came back with blood on his hands, i knew what he did. I sighed and crossed my arms. "Is he alive?" i asked him. "Barely." he answers with his usual grin. I shook my head. "Is it wrong for him to listen to us?" i asked.

Of course it's wrong.
I want my sex life being private.

"No one should see you yarning for sex." he said and washes his hands. I giggle slightly. Not quite the answer i wanted but it's okay. Kisame noticed my small smile. "What?" he asked curious. "Nothing~ just thinking about the poor delivery-guy bleeding to death because he listened to some fun." i said and turned my face to the window. The tall Hoshigaki cracks his knuckles. "I don't share." he said. These three words made me shiver. My cunt almost throbbed... but it hurts too much. "Will he survive?" i asked him. Kisame shruggs his shoulders. We heard an ambulance coming near the building. "I guess." Kisame answered. He got dressed in protecting clothes for bikers - i got no clue what it's called to be honest. 

It looks kinda tight.
Shouldn't it be comfortable?

"No, it's not too tight." he said as he saw my raised eyebrow. He showed me that it's the right fit. I clapped at his presenting. "Very funny." he said and shook his head. I laughed. "Do you really need to go? I'm all alone now." i changed the subject. Kisame nods. "Yes. Without the cocaine - we lose our territory and influence." he said. 

He says it like we're together since 1990. 
Does he really trust me to tell me that?
How cute~

Kisame kissed me a last time and rushed out. Now i'm alone in a strangers house. What am i going to do now? Calling Kuraiko isn't an option. I should ask at work what time my shift starts. 

Kakashi: >> "Konoha Inn, my name is Kakashi Hatake. How can i help you?" <<
Me: "Oh Kakashi~ hey here is Kaia! Sorry for leaving earlier the day without telling. I wanted to know when my shift starts."
Kakashi: >> "It's okay. You got a new apartment? Great news i guess. Well, the manager gave you a week off for being in an incident. Call Sunday and we'll tell you then. Have a good night. Hopefully nothing happens to you." << 
Me: "Oh? How nice from him! Have a quiet night over there~" 

We hung up and i texted Kisame about my vacation. I hope he's okay. I turned the TV on and watched the news. 

> "The police arrested a suspect of the ghetto murders. Since it's a member of a infamous clan, he got out. Please be careful if you're around. It's said that he'd use violence against anybody at any time." <

I almost spit my poos drink. They're talking about Kisame! I should write him about that. But... his clan would told him about this, i'm sure as hell they would! My mind was drifting away. 

> "Breaking news! Our Major Hiruzen Sarutobi found dead at age 69. Police confirm homicide! He was found in his office by his secretary. If you saw anything shady, please inform the police department in Konoha-west." < 

Now i spit my drink. Besides that a poor sandwhich next to me fell on the ground. I was kinda shocked. Who kills a MAJOR in his OFFICE!? It wasn't Kisame, he was here until an hour ago. Another member of Akatsuki? Would they really kill an Major? I decide to ask Kisame: 


Hey Kisa, be carefull please. Someone killed Major Sarutobi. I don't want to see you in custody again :O!  


Hopefully they don't take him in again. While i cleaned the mess i made. The doorbell rang. I flinched and stared at the door. 

Who dares to ring?!
Kisame didn't told me about someone he awaits! 
Or is it the police?

Slowly i crouched to the door. Peeking through the spy. It was a delivery. A kinda big package. I opened the door. "Hello~ Mr. Hoshigaki is not here at the moment." i told him. "Oh that doesn't matter. Just take it in." he said and gave it to me. It was heavy and i dropped it right at the door. Too heavy! I pushed it next to the door and got back on the couch. Just in time to see that Kisame answered me. 


I know, don't worry about me. Even if they want - they won't catch me. A Package will arrive at 6pm or around that time. It'll be heavy - just leave it at the door. We didn't murdered him. We wanted but someone was faster. You can use my bed if ya tired. See ya later.


How cute of him. I can use his bed. AND I WILL! After i cleaned his living room. It was kinda messy with the food waste from earlier. The TV was still on and i watched some drama. 

My clothes got dirty so i threw them in his washing maschine. With some of his and put it on. I took a brief second to remind myself something - Since when am i like this? 
It can't be a sudden change because i met KISAME or is it?! - Naaah...?

I shook my head and sighed. '
How fucked up is my mind? 

A New message arrived. My initial joy quickly faded into thin air. It wasn't Kisame, it was an e-mail. Probably spam shit. Anyway. I rolled my eyes and watched more drama. Until it was kinda late. "Almost Midnight... better get sleep now." i whispered to myself and walked to a room. It wasn't Kisame's bedroom. More like a small gym? Benching things? I dunno what that is. Maybe i ask him later tho. The other room was indeed his bedroom. I got on his bed. It was a pure dream. Now i imagine how he's going to fuck me on this. 

Now my cunt is throbbing, with the pain from earlier *cough*... 
Maybe Kisame need some fun after he's finished with his buisness...

Kisame x OC / Loving a Criminal~Where stories live. Discover now