ever fucked in a car?!

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~ 03:30 p.m ~

"Kisame~ will you be finished soon? My butt hurts..." i whined. He hits his head against the engine hood. It made a funny 'bong' sound tho. I caught to hide my giggle. Kisame turned to me, holding the back of his head. "What did you just say?" he asked. "Will you be finished with that soon?" - "Not this one, the other." - "... my butt hurts?" as i said that he grinned wide. "I know a way to make you feel better~" he said and walked over. My eyes widen but my body didn't moved one inch. 

Is he going for IT here?!
No way! 

Kisame grabed my chin between his thumb and index finger. lifts my face up, while he bowed down and kissed me tenderly. My body moved on it's own. While my hands surrounded his shoulder-neck area he lifts my whole body up. My legs moved around his waist. Without any word he walked to a wall until my back hits it. One of his legs supported our weight and his hands moved under my shirt. 


Kisame growls and ignored this guy yelling. He kisses my neck. But i made him stop. "Someone dares to call you a fishy, but here you are... nibbling my neck." i said with a raised eyebrow. "You're more importand than Hidan will ever be." he mumbles and kissed me again. 


Now he lets go off me and growls. With clenched hands he walked to the gate. "Hide in my car over there." he said. I nodded and did as he told me. After hiding me, he opened the gate. Hidan walks in with narrowed eyebrows and swings his arms around. Being a complete idiot, mad idiot. "The fuck took ya so long?!" he hissed at Kisame. The taller one sighes. "I'm busy. It's not ready for the race." Kisame said. "I don't care! I need it tonight! Some thug dared to steal my cocaine!" he hissed. 

Are they really involved with drugs...?

I thought and tried to get a glimpse of them talking. Kisame had a huge car. It was really comfy in here. Kisame had his arms crossed and leaned against Hidans car. Meanwhile Hidan walked back and forth. I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean 'stole cocaine'?" Kisame asked. "Ya heard me! IT'S FUCKING GONE! So get me my car!" Hidan yelled. Another sigh left Kisame and he gave Hidan the keys. "It's not complete. Your engine still doesn't work right. Don't overdo it!" Kisame said and opened the gate completly. "Yeah yeah.." Hidan didn't cared about his warning. 

After Hidan left i crawled out of my hiding space. "Your car is really comfy~" i said and hugged him. He didn't seem to hear me at all. "Are you okay?" i asked him. "Hm? Oh yeah. Thinking about buying a engine for his civic or not." he said. I broke my hug and tilted his head. Kisame noticed it and laid his heavy arm over my shoulder. "Well, he's going to break it completely. So i need one sooner or later." he said. I chuckled. "You gonna buy it now?" i asked him. "Nah, i got someone to call now. Wait in my car, i'll be right back..." he said and i nodded. 

... the car wiggles. I opened my eyes and saw Kisame hovering over me. He kissed me rough. Our bodys moved on their own. Within a few minutes our clothes were gone. He grasped both of my calves and threw them over his shoulders. My hands hold tight on my breasts. A cold breeze makes me shiver. "Don't cover them..." he whispers and slowly moved my hands for me. With one of his hands he holds both my wrists tight over my head. A last Kiss and he pounded my cunt like the beast he is! 

Nothing gentle just a rough beast.

I moaned his name, which made him go even harder and deeper. It felt like being ripped apart. He clearly didn't cared that he couldn't fit his whole cock - but pushed until it bleeds. I felt how his dick twichted and released his seed in my womb. "I love the smell of blood..." he whispered and licked my neck. I knew he was going for it. Which he did. Kisame bit my neck one more time. 

He got dressed. "Won't you get dressed?" he asked. "If the pain goes away yes... but it felt good." i said with a soft smile. He humms and helped me get my clothes. "Sorry, but blood really gets me going." he apologized. I waved it off. "It's okay. I'm the one who wants you." i giggled. He froze for a bit, but gave me a soft smile. "Let's go home..." he whispered. I nodded and seated myself in the passangerseat. Kisame closed everything and we drove off. 

~ 04:45 p.m ~

We're in a traffic jam. "Great." i said. "Well, at least we got good music." Kisame said and increased the volume. It was some kind of metal band? Well, i don't know much about that but... it sounds really good. Maybe i should extend my music-horizon. It was rush hour... but Kisame made it more fun. My cunt still hurts like hell. My own fault, but it was worth it. 

Will it be a sex-ship instead of a good relationship?
Or... can we be a real relationship?
Like... girlfriend and boyfriend. 

I twiddle my thumbs. Deep in thoughts... maybe he can fall in love with me? Even if he's a Hoshigaki! Those aren't really romantic, that's what i heard. "You good?" he asked. "Hm? Yeah... just thinking." i said with a sad smile. He raised an eyebrow. "About what?" he asked. 

Should i say it?

"Well... *sigh* about my future..." i tried to save myself. To be honest - it was kinda true! Kisame humms and was deep in thought. Time to get more information about him! Let's go the 'mid-life-crisis' thingy~ 

"I'm now 30 years old, not getting younger duh! Most guys my age got kids... a home, a... a... life! What i got is now gone. I have no one out there, not even a single one who's interested in me! The only thing i have... is a sex-ship between us, we hardly know each other!"

What i didn't want to happen, happend... tears run. Kisame stared at me, being in his own thoughts. Meanwhile the traffic jam wasn't going anywhere. We were caught in this car. And i don't know if he's older than me... not even that i know about him! Kisame leaned against his seat and stared through the windshield. Maybe... i said to much. I lowered my head and listened to his music.... until...

Kisame x OC / Loving a Criminal~Where stories live. Discover now