special friendship

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~ November 2nd 2020 ~

Midnight, and i'm sitting at home with the ominous letter of that Kisame infront of me. Well, he is hot and a pretty rough beast in bed. My cunt is throbbing because i'm thinking about him and his dick. My legs rubbed against each other. Biting my lip...

Gosh... thinking about him makes me horny!

I thought. And his words before he walked out. That's why he left his mark on me! To see his prey! Is every Hoshigaki like that?! I shook my head. Now isn't the time for this. Should i read it? Nah... maybe something mean is written down there. Otherwise... he is a close friend to Kuraiko, so not a bad person eh? Fuck it. Oh.. it's a phone number! Is this his?! Should i... text him? I looked at my phone - just in time to see Kuraiko's call. 

Me: "Hey. Talk fast i'm tired as hell." 
Kuraiko: >> "Hehe, i saw how you looked at Kisame~" <<
Me: "Oh stop it. I think he's the one-" 
Kuraiko: >> "Whoa whoa! Stop there, he's the one you had on halloween?! Guuurl you're lucky! He's really nice... unless someone provokes him." <<
Me: "Lucky?"
Kuraiko: >> "Yesssss! Kisame is a nice guy, but... he can be really mean and especially intimidating. Buuut if you're mrs right to him... oh gurl! I need to talk to Kisame! Maybe he's okay with you being involved in our things..." <<

What?! Involved? Did i miss something?!

Me: "What are you talking about? He gave me his number by the way." 
Kuraiko: >> "OOOH! Text him! Ah, are you free? We can come and tell you everything." <<
Me: "Yes. But don't stay too long." 

Kuraiko hung up. 

~ 1:15 a.m ~

Someone knocked at my door. I fell asleep! Damn! So i jumped on my feet and opened the Door. Kuraiko stood there with Itachi and Kisame. "Come in, if the old hag sees you..." i whispered and grasped Kuraiko's wrist. Fast as hell i closed the door. But the old hag noticed it and knocked at my door. "Kawamura!" she hissed. "Go away fucking hag! Or i'll steal you dog this time!" i hissed back. She walked away. 

"What's wrong with her? And since when are you agressive?" Kuraiko asked. I sighed. "You know... that hag doesn't like people from Kiri. But that's nothing you have to worry about." i said with a smile. Kisame raised an eyebrow. They sat down and i made coffee. I gave Itachi and Kuraiko their cups and walked back in the kitchen. As i turned around Kisame stood in the door. He dodges the door frame, too tall for this apartment. I tilted my head and stared at him. "I'll take that." he said and took one cup from me. I smiled and tried to pass him. No chance. 

We stood there for a minute in silence. "How can i help you?" i finally asked. His grin was mischievous and shows his teeth. Within an instand my legs rubbed against each other and my cunt throbbs. "I know one or two ways of you service... but not now. You're from Kiri?" he asked. I bit my lip and nodded. "Don't tell anyone from our little fun night okay?" he said. "I ain't got friends, little sharky." i whispered. His eyebrow twitched and he lowered his torso down to me. "Who're you calling little?" he asked in a deep husky voice. Now my cunt throbbs even more. Damn. I giggled but shrugged my shoulders. "Be careful little pretty pussy... you may regret it later." he said. He is refering to something i wouldn't wanna miss... i smiled and put my free hand on his muscular shoulder. "We're not alone. So let's get back." i said. He clicked his tongue and stood to his full height. 

Back in the living room Kuraiko clears her throat. "Okay let me make things clear to you. We're in a criminal organisation called Akatsuki. That's why Kakuzu and Hidan came to our hotel. It's going to be a smuggle point." she said. I sipped my coffee. Well, i'm not surprised tho. "Thought something like that." i said. Itachi and Kisame looked at each other. They're surprised that i'm not surprised? Kuraiko took a deep breath. "Kaia, do you know what i'm about to tell you?" she asked. I put my coffee down. "I'm going to die if i tell anyone. No need in telling me. Not that someone would miss me." i said and stared at the ground. 

No one would even recognize my death.
My parents should die... 
My brother should die...
For what they did to me. 

"Kaia?" Kuraiko asked and waved infront of my eyes. "Hm?" i snapped. "Are you okay? You're crying!" she said and gave me a tissue. I whiped my tears away. "Yeah... is there anything else you want to tell me?" i asked her. But she shook her head. "I can stay here if you want." Kuraiko offered. "No, we see us later. Itachi, Kisame pleasure to meet you." i said with a smile. The three left my place. 

I got changed, ready for bed as there was a knock. I walked to the door. "Who's there?" i asked. "Kisame, open the door." a male voice said. I looked through my spy and saw him standing there. Now i opened the door a bit. "What is it?" i asked. He didn't say a word and barged in. Simply pushing me aside. Than he closed the door. My jaw dopped. I was in my sleeping bag  - litterally an oversized shirt. "Don't look at me like that. Like we didn't fucked a day ago." he said with his croocked grin. He was right tho. I cleared my throat and crossed my arms. "Why did you barge in here?" i asked. "Well, i dunno. Had nothing better to do." he said and walked to my couch. He took his shirt and pants off and laid down. "Excuse me sir, that is my bed." i said. "Come to me. Let me be your therapist." he said. I shook my head. He sighed and got back up. I ran past him and cuddled in my covers. He stared at me in disbelief. He rips my cover away. 

"Didn't i told you something earlier?"

Kisame x OC / Loving a Criminal~Where stories live. Discover now