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"I may not know the word sex-ship but i'm pretty sure what you mean. I'm 32 now but never had a girlfriend. Just some one night stands in the dark... who wanted to get near me? No one. You're the first one who got in touch with me at daylight. I don't know what i feel... about anything."

Kisame wasn't a bad guy at all.
Just broken...
Like me.

"I'm only good at being a bouncer and tuning cars. So why do you stay with me? Decided to talk to me? Even though Itachi said you should stay away. I'm a worthless person - said society."

I looked at him ordering food for us. His apartment was mainly black with blue details. Kisame said i could take a bath and got me some clothes from him. His words: "Your clothes are tight aren't they? Take mine, or i'll get near your hurt cunt once more"

"Kisame, no one should be worthless. Why i'm with you? First you made yarn for you sex. Furthermore... you're attractive and safed me. So you're the first one who cared for me. I'm good in nothing though... just being 'fat' for society."

Our conversation in the traffic is still in my mind. Every minute my mind is in this and replays his voice. I sighed while watching him took his shirt off and leaning against a doorframe while calling someone. Not the food deliver - this is on it's way. I tilted my head and studied his buff body. It was his back - but i'm a back person. I love the way shoulders are defined...

"Fat? They call you that? You know... the first time i saw you in that costume... seeing your jucy thighs almost ripping the fabric. Even the thought of it makes me horny. Your body is beautiful. If some idiot calls you fat - i'll rip his head off."

He was still on the phone. But i can do whatever i want. Kisame said i should feel like i live here. I streched my body, making a relieving moan. Kisame turned to me and grins horny. Perhaps i did it on purpose but shhh. I stood up, bit my lip and walked to his kitchen. I wanted a drink.

"You and your violence towards for everyone.... tztztz, is it even worse that i wanna see it? I like you... i don't know what love is but... i like our little thing."


"I like it too... wanna try it? Being a couple?"



It wasn't official. Just the two of us knew about our little expieriment. I really wanted to call Kuraiko but if Itachi is the one who said to Shisui that we can't meet each other... it'll be better they don't know. Well, until it's official tho.

"Seems like i need to buy a whole engine and exhaust. Fucking idiot. Told him not to overdo it! *sigh* Ok, but the cocaine is back? Not?! So we're going now? When?... In two hours would be fine. Got something to do. Ok, see ya."

I listened closly to Kisame's call. Whoever it was - told him to go out tonight. Great. First night at his home and he's gone. He came to the kitchen. Seeing me bow down instead of kneeling. My whole cunt was visible. My.. panties moved a bit through my chubby thighs. He rubbed with two finger my wet cunt. I moaned and the beer can fall out of hand. My legs weakend a bit and i got on my knees.

"Pretty pussy... love the wet cunt, eat the wet cunt." Kisame whispered and pulled at my waist. I fell backwards on him. Didn't noticed how he laid on his back. He pulled me on his face and licked rough. I moaned and shivered by his sudden move. My legs wiggle on every lick he made. His grip on my thigh tighend. He grunts while eating me out. I looked over my shoulder. Seeing his hard bulge. It looks like hurting him. Slowly bur surely i leaned back. Grabbing his bulge and rubbing on his sweatpants. His grip tighend more and bruised my skin.


Kisame gently pushes me off him. Licking my cum from his face and washed it fast. To his luck, the sweatpants was really loose. But i could see how hard he is. "Fuck.. the food. Wait here." he said and walked to the frontdoor. I pouted. How can he leave me on his kitchen floor! I'm wet as fuck... not satisfied. *cough*Well, not enough for our sex-life.*cough*

I failed to stand up, so i crawled to the living room. The deliver-guy should feel the same way. My sinister plan to rub my clit infornt of them made me really think about my mental health. But here i am. sitting like a horny bitch in a SHIRT from Kisame next to the couch. A part slit off my shoulder and revealed almost my one boobie. Good for me that my long hair covered it. My thick thighs are rubbing against each other. One of my hands groped my visible boob.

Kisame paid for the food and turned to the side. As BOTH saw me yarning for sex. Kisame froze for a second, his boner twitched in his pants, i see that. The deliver-guy on the other hand had a huge sweat break out and shivered. Immediately his cock became hard.

Good... now time to shine.

"Kisa, forget the food~ i need you."

Kisame almost lost it and the food was nearly thrown against the wall. The deliver guy licked his lip. "May i ask... is she your girl?" he asked Kisame. My free hand rubbed my clit as i got on my knees. My thighs don't touch the ground. Thankfully the shirt was long enough to cover MOST of my cunt.

"Kisa~ am i yours... or does he get a chance?"

i whispered and moaned. My wet cunt throbbs and some salvia runs down my mouth. I'm sure a bit pussy fluid dripped on the floor. Some more moans escaped my mouth. The deliver guy trembles and graped his bulge. I know that Kisame will be mad at me for that but it's worth it.

Show the world who is fucked by a beast like you.

"I want her..." i heard the deliver guy say. "Touch her and i'll kill you, bury you where no one founds you. She's mine. Only mine." Kisame hissed and slams the door. The food was left on the table and he pushes me down.

"You will pay for that... be ready to be ripped apart!"

His words almost made me cum. "Just fuck me. Show me how you fuck your woman." i moaned. With a rough thrust he already ripped my apart. I screamed in pleasure. Every thrust made me fly high. It could be an addiction. He ripped his shirt of me. Biting me shoulder, roughly groping my breast and pounted like a beast.

It didn't take too long and we both came.
His seed filling my womb once again...
Almost like a breeding kink!

Kisame breathes heavenly. He helps me up on the couch. "We should clean the mess." i whispered. "Later... let's grab a snack." he whispers. We kissed tenderly. Suddenly a grunt was infront of our apartment.


Kisame pulled his pants up and ran after the delivery-guy...

Kisame x OC / Loving a Criminal~Where stories live. Discover now