Relationship or taking advantage?

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~ November 2nd, 2020 - 08:00 a.m~


I mumbled a few insults as i grabbed my phone. Realizing that cum was in my panties. "Ugh... no way..." i whispered. My dream really made me cum for real! It was a good dream about Kisame. Enough of that. I got a call! 

Me: "Who's interfering with my beauty sleep?!" 
???: >> "This is KPD, Shisui Uchiha speaking. Sorry for the early wake up. Miss Kawamura, please come to our deparment. You're getting your keys back. Please be there until 4 p.m." <<
Me: "Okay, i'm coming right now. Maybe my landlord has mercy with me." 
Shisui: >> "As you wish. Just ask at the counter for me." << 

The officer hung up. I stood up and walked in the bathroom. Cleaned everything i could and washed my panties. How am i going to tell Kakashi about his second bed?! How embarrassing! I rushed back in the bedroom. Folding the covers and threw them in his washing basket. Hopefully he won't recognize it. I'll tell him that i sweat a lot! 

Maybe that turns him off.
But i don't care!
I want Kisame...

I thought. After that i got dressed and left a note before i walked out. Going straight to the Police department. While being on my way a car slowed down. "KAIA!" a voice appeared. Instandly my cunts throbbs. I turned around. Kisame was in his car, smiling at me. "Hey!" i said. "Wanna hop in?" he asked. I nodded and jumped in at a red light. 

"Where you headin'?" he asked. "Police. Getting my keys back... and than I'll get in touch with my landlord. And you?" i asked him. "Going to work. But i can bring you to the police. Just don't tell them i brought you there." he said. I nodded. But curiousity became better of me. "What are you doing for a living?" i asked. "Legally a mechanic." he answered. I giggled. "The less i know, the less i can tell." i said. He nodded. 

While him driving i moved around. "What's wrong? Scared of me?" he asked. "Hm? No! Just... thinking." i said. He sighes and tighend his grip on the steering wheel. "About what happend? Three died, two are living. They should be happy..." he whispered. I grasped his free hand. "It ain't about that. More like... about you and me." i began. We're holding hands now. "I may be your slut right now but i like you. And it's your fault that my cunt is yarning your affection." i fullfilled. Kisame didn't respond to that. 

At the police station he turned around to me. "You're not a slut. You're the only one who is making me feel good. You're mine. No one should even touch you." he said and kissed me. 

What a crazy way to enter a relationship.
Am i dreaming?
Or is he a walking red flag?

I waved as goodbye and walked in the department. There was a young guy at the reception. "Good Morning, i'm here to see inspector Shisui Uchiha." i said with a smile. He raised an eyebrow. "3rd floor, room number 301." he said and let me through. What a grumpy idiot. I sighed and got to the staires. I saw how Itachi walked out of a room. He didn't saw me. But i think he's a officer too, or a lawyer? My mind was full of thoughts and i tripped. With a hollywood style fall i landed infront of Itachi. He simply stared at me. "Hello Itachi. How is Kuraiko?" i asked. "She's still unconcious, but alive. Are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah, i'm just clumsy as fuck. Sorry for that. I need to get my keys back. Bye." i said and stood up. He didn't said anything, so i walked upstairs. 

[Room 301 - S. Uchiha]

I can't barge in, so i knocked like the friendly citizen i am. "Come in." a voice called. This didn't sound like that Shisui... who could i be? Should i go in? I hesistated at first, but got in. A Uchiha with really long hair leaned against a table. Shisui was sitting in his chair with crossed arms. Both looked at me. Their red eyes are really intimidating... that's for sure. 

Kisame x OC / Loving a Criminal~Where stories live. Discover now