Boring life

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~ 05:30 a.m ~

"Stay away of him! Kisame Hoshigaki isn't a good soul. You seem to have a nice life, stay with that. I hope you understand that. If you continue to meet him, you only see the dark side of life." 

Shisui Uchiha, a inspector for murder cases in konoha said that to me. i'm pretty sure Kuraiko has something to do with that. Why should she involve me in first place?! Bitch, you better come working! But if Kuraiko said that... why did she bring me to the party?! Well, i wouldn't have met Kisame tho...

ugh... my legs are rubbing just by his name...
why does my cunt yarn for his cock?! 
We just had it once!

I rolled to my side. Looking at the curtains. Where i am you ask? At my workplace. In a room from a so called no-show. Those booked a room but didn't showed up. Good for me. I could use it... only if i'm doing the first shift. Great. I didn't got less sleep since i was 14! Oh gosh... it was fucking 16 years ago! I'm OLD! I tried to sleep.... 




Well, i can't! My throbbing cunt is yarning for affection. I thought at Kisame. His buff body, flexing his muscles while kissing my neck. Slowly but surely my finger rubbed my cunt. I'm all wet... my indexfinger is sliding in. I moan his name... "Kisame...". One isn't doing anything. His cock's amazing size should be four of my finger. It didn't felt as good as he does. 

I couldn't satisfy myself! 

My cunt feels a river. So wet and not a single thing could make it cum! Kisame really had a huge impact to me. Maybe i should search for something that could meet his size? As soon as i sit up, i felt how wet i am! "Gosh... like a cat in heat..." i whispered and stood up. Every step didn't helped at all. The worst in all this? - i couldn't find a thing that could help me. Suddenly my alarm goes off. It's now time to get up. Great. I'll better shower. I got ready for the day... 

~ 6:55 a.m ~

Still in heat i walked to the reception. The night audit was happy to leave. Tired and horny as fuck i made my work done. The moment it got quiet my phone rang. I got a call from Kuraiko. I didn't answer that. So she wrote me: 

From: Kuraiko

Kaia y u not answer? Kisame got free right now. Are you at home? Shisui told me you got out a few hours ago. Y u didn't called? :( Pls answer!

I sighed. So she didn't do anything. Maybe it was this Itachi who spoke to this Shisui! So i wrote her back... 

To: Kuraiko 

I'm doing the first shift. Had to sleep in here since my home isn't released by the police. It's good that Kisame is free, hope he isn't mad at me for not being there... i really wanted to see him but apperantly he is 'bad news' - Shisui Uchiha told me to stay away from all of you. See you later~

Aaaaaaaaaaand there we go! My cunt is yarning for him. I sighed again. Hopefully it isn't visible! It feels like a river flowing. A few guests complaint about a rude guy in the restaurant. I called and asked what's wrong. The head waiter said that a silver haired guy is making rude comments to some guests. I bit my lip. 


I told them not to do anything. He's not our problem. I called the general manager on his smartphone. He wasn't pleased by that but came as soon as he could. All i now is that he is talking to this Hidan. Meanwhile i did some work. Some E-Mails have to be done and that's it. Today is really a boring day in my... boring life. 

~ 02:45 p.m ~

Nothing happend, not even a single complaint! Whatever Hidan did, he was gone. The second shift is Kuraiko - she didn't even respond to my text earlier! How dare she... leaving me on read. I sighed. Maybe she explaines once she get here. A call came in. 

Me: "KoNo Hotel, this is Kawamura speaking. How can i assist you?" 
???: >> "Hello, Kuraiko can't come in. She's unconcious in the hospital." << 
Me: "Who's there?!" 
???: >> "Itachi Uchiha. We met last night." <<
Me: "... oh. Okay please call if she's better. Bye." 

I hung up on him. That's fucked up! Couldn't he call earlier?! Who is now going to take HER shift! Not even my front office manager is coming in. I texted everyone who isn't a night audit. ONE answered and came as soon as he could. 

Which was... 

~ 05:00 p.m ~

"Kawamura, i'm here. Sorry i couldn't come earlier." he said. "Thank you so much, Kakashi." i hugged him. "Whoa? For what is that?" he asked. I laughed. "Oh just for saving me. I thought i end up with a double shift." i said. he laughed "Oh come on, couldn't let you down. Now take rest. Is your apartment free now?" he asked. I shook my head. "No, i don't think so. Even if... a window is broken." i said. He nods. "Stay here until my shift ends. I'll take you with me. Until your apartment is ready." he offered. 

Should i do that?
Kakashi is really a nice person.
Boring life with a boring man?
Well until i get a new home, why not?

I thought for a few minutes. Slightly i nodded. "Deal. But don't snort!" i laughed. He shook his head. "I won't." he said. So i sat in the back office with him. 

~ 06:05 p.m ~

We talked about many things. What i found out - he's a 30 year old single with a two bedroom apartment since his ex moved out few months ago. He has a quite boring life like me. He looks like a person who has many friends but he likes to be alone. LIKE ME! 

~ 10:45 p.m ~

Kakashi and me walked out since the night audit is there. I'm free tomorrow. He has not, so i search for a residence to stay in. He walked me to his car. I felt being watched. I watched closely around. No one to be seen...

That's something i thought. 

Kisame x OC / Loving a Criminal~Where stories live. Discover now