Chapter Thirteen

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Tune: Your First Battle - Miitopia

Entering the world of Minecraft, the team immediately noticed how Natalya must've carved out a path for them. By making a trail out of gravel lined with fences that matched the biome. And they had started in the grasslands biome, where there were few trees, endless plains and even a few ponds nearby. But still - they knew that they had to find where this leads to, so they continued this journey. Going through the first of many biomes in Minecraft in search of the Ghoulfriends.

Marching through the grasslands, the group noticed how some of the trees had been removed and replanted - as if they needed them to create these fences. The sky appeared to be clear at first, but as soon as a village appeared on the horizon near a distant forest, that was when it all began to change. A cold breeze began to blow as the clouds began to thicken and rumble. Out of all of them, Nathan didn't like this the most as he ran just as raindrops began to fall around them. Marcus, Felix, Stephano and Gonzales quickly ran after their friend and possibly towards the shelter.

And just as it got heavier, that was when the group of five ended up in a library, where they all declared that they would be staying here for now until the storm had passed.

Nathan spoke. "Good thing we got out of there. I hate rainstorms, with or without thunder and lightning. Let's look around and see what we could find that could help us look at where this trail will take us - so that we're properly prepared for what's ahead. Remember, Natalya must've assisted Shadow Stephanie in carving out the path, so expect a glowing line to appear in dull light. Meaning - that one of the books could glow."

Felix asked. "So, how will we be able to do this? Use magic to dim the lights or use magic to force it to glow?"

Marcus thought this over before answering. "Maybe first, we should seek out that map. As it could be hidden within the books."

Quickly - Stephano and Gonzales got to work trying to find the map on the shelves. And just to make sure - Marcus, Nathan and Felix checked any areas where a map could be hidden.

Five minutes later, and just as the rain had cleared up  - that was when someone had found something. Or rather - DROPPED something. Just as Stephano started to look through a well-built (for a Minecraft server) wardrobe, a map fell just as he brushed his hand against it. Immediately, Gonzales caught it before taking it over to the table.

Everyone gathered around as they watched how the map was unfolded to reveal the landscape. Marcus smiled at this as he used his magic to activate the outline of a path. As it showed itself - the team were surprised at just how far they had to go until they got there.

Marcus began. "And it seems to work in any light, the path-summoning spell. Can be used on surfaces AND normal maps. Luckily, Natalya had carved it out - so with that, we can set off."

Nathan continued, as he pointed to their current destination. "Here's where we're currently are. And just nearby, is the path. As you can see here - it will lead into a dense forest, where we could accidentally run into a side-quest or a battle. If not - then it's smooth sailing so far."

Stephano went next, noticing a large 'sandy-coloured' area where the path kept going. "This must be the desert. It stretches for a while, before ending at a... village by the ocean. The main thing that we would have to be careful of is... duststorms and the rare occurrence it could contain a whirlwind."

Marcus admitted. "I might be able to counteract that, using a defence spell that can neutralise weather. It's like that skill that Psyduck has. We have a lot in the Chiharu Region - but at times, they do allow the rain to keep our land green using the move Rain Dance. I think we need to send one to Anahuac 11, as they need assistance with their weather patterns."

Nathan responded. "Thank you, Marcus."

Gonzales continued. "It must here, in the village, that there must be a boat we could all use to get across. From what I've heard, it's calm, but you must navigate the icy terrain towards the other end of the ocean. And there, we would have to walk across the ice to get to the tundra forest."

Felix concluded. "But it would be snowing A LOT in the forest, so we would have to cross the tundra as fast as we can to get into the mountain. Even though, it's usually blocked by a strange force. But I don't think Natalya would be that cruel as to do this. And there - I think we'll be able to find Shadow Stephanie, as she would take us to Natalya, as she would be holding the Ghoulfriends somewhere until we arrive with the spell."

With that, it was finally time to set off on this new journey across the land of Minecraft in search of Natalya, Shadow Stephanie and the Ghoulfriends.

The rest of the grasslands were fairly calm and fresh-smelling, as the ponds were filled with the recent rainwater. The sun beamed down on the group, giving them a sense of hope as they continued along this gravel path. As they came to a hill, the view was alright, as it revealed a brief forest before the desert and the ocean on the horizon. Pleased, that was when they proceeded to complete the grasslands route before heading into the forest, curious as to what they could find along the way.

Inside the forest, the sun shone on the gravel path as it kept going along the forest floor. fireflies hovered about, creating makeshift glowing orbs that amazed the group as they wandered along. Rays of light beamed through the trees, making the forest seem even more magical, much to the delight of the team. At one point, they had to cross a brief bridge that went over a sparkling stream that had many kinds of water life hidden within. Soon, the forest then opened up to a brief grassland before a duststorm-covered desert.

Marcus gestured for the others to stand back as he walked up to it, and placed his hand on the rushing 'dust/sand' before meditating on it to cast a spell. Instantly, the dust and sand settled to make it easier for everyone to see and walk through this desert.

Marcus announced. "I guess this means we can keep going, right?"

The group agreed with this as it was time to continue with this journey.

It was a good thing that Natalya had left behind a path of gravel and fence posts - as it had made it easier to cross the sandy terrain. After a while of only seeing sand for as far as the eye could see - that was when a village and the ocean could be seen in the distance. Pleased, the group then hurried along as they trekked across the vast desert and ended up at the village. The residents there were pleased with their 'saviours' as they then decided to give the team the BEST boat offer that they had. After that - the team thanked the boat-givers as now - the group were ready to cross the ocean.

Some time had gone by, and Marcus' team had made it onto the icy shore. Skating across, the group noticed how it had gotten colder all of a sudden. On reaching the snowy beach, Marcus then generated a brief aura to give them all a 'blanket' of warmth - making it feel much better. Quickly, the group then decided to rush across the snowy tundra before making it to this cave opening. And somehow - it wasn't blocked off, as it was finally time to head into the mountain to find wherever the ladies had ended up.

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