Chapter Ten

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Tune: Great Sage Theme – Miitopia

Pushing through one of the doors, Marcus greeted. "Hello, Stephano."

Letting Marcus into the castle entrance, Stephano responded. "And what brings you to Brennenburg Castle, Marcus?"

"I had received a message from Felix saying to meet him here. Do you or anyone else know of the reason behind him suddenly coming here?"

"Pewdie was frightened by the sight of the Ghoulfriends and waited until he crossed the portal before proceeding to scream and run to here."

"I knew it, hence why I have a plan for how I can help Felix."

"What sort of plan do you have in mind?"

Pulling out his phone, Marcus went on to explain, adding in what he received from Natalya in the process. "I will head to Monster High and find my way to this 'hidden entrance' that will take me into this Minecraft server that Natalya and Shadow Stephanie had sent them to. I just must find them within that world before using the spell to make them fully human. I would like it if... a team came with me. I have the directions if you were wondering."

"I'll see what I can do about this team, but for now – would you like to follow me to where Pewdie is waiting?" Stephano then noticed a group by the dorm's door. "And maybe we could ask Mr Chair and Gonzales if they would like to join us. But I think they were just bored and decided to wait there for me to return instead of going about their routines."

Marcus nodded as he proceeded to follow Stephano up the stairs and towards where Mr Chair and Gonzales were waiting at the door. Marcus waited as Stephano spoke with them for a moment. Marcus soon noticed how Mr Chair and Gonzales were both following suit as he then followed Stephano into the dorm.

One discussion amongst the group later and they had decided that it would be Marcus who would be the one to deliver the good news about this new plan of theirs.

Marcus went on. "How are you doing? I'm Marcus, and I know how to help you with this problem of yours, Felix."

Felix lit up. "I'm doing okay. And... you can explain this idea of yours."

After about ten minutes of recapping the idea/plan that was discussed in the meeting as well as what he said to Stephano earlier – Marcus had suddenly received a message. Likely from Natalya or Shadow Stephanie.

Felix asked, out of curiosity. "And where did the monsters get banished to? Knowing Natalya and Shadow Stephanie – a different world in a dungeon or cavern? And did you learn this 'humanization spell' from Arthur?"

Mr Chair admitted. "I have a few chores to do, may I please opt out of this? And I'm not THAT comfortable with going to Monster High."

Gonzales replied. "It's okay, we'll allow you to stay here to keep an eye on Alfred and Mr Barrel Butler."

The others gave their approval as Mr Chair wished them luck on their journey before departing.

Stephano also questioned. "And if this is our final team, shouldn't we ALL get into costumes or do something to sneak into Monster High without getting caught out? Sorry for saying the school name, Pewdie."

Felix stated. "That's okay, Stephano."

Gonzales then commented. "Do you have an answer for this? And what was that message?"

Marcus answered as he went to summarise the messages. "Natalya explained that she sent them into the basement of Monster High, where they were then sucked in through a portal into the world of Minecraft. We must find them in that world and use the spell to turn them into full humans. Shadow Stephanie agreed as she felt very sorry for your family and wanted to fix this alongside Natalya – re-earning her trust in the process."

Felix, Stephano, and Gonzales cheered. "We're in, Marcus!"

"Now, let's go on this journey and find what disguise we could use for getting into Monster High. I know who could join us to sneak us into Monster High in style..."

"Who? And what disguises do you want us all to be in?"

"You'll see. And the disguises will be when we get into Salem Woods..."

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