Chapter Twelve

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Tune: Nightmare Tower - Miitopia

Inside of the catacombs - it reminded Felix of the stony hallways in the underground entry to a certain castle. As they wandered through the halls, the walls were faintly lit with several lanterns and occasionally - there were some doors, but they weren't the ones that they needed. Marching along silently, the atmosphere felt strange, as if they were being watched. Stephano and Gonzales walked on either side of Felix, making sure that he felt okay while on this journey. Marcus led the way with a glowing light that he had summmoned. While Nathan was seldom alright with this - as he wondered what they could find at the basement, once they found its entrance, that is.

Nathan commented. "This must've been a secret area for students that wanted to hide in, a tunnel towards the basement as well as where dormitories could also be."

Noticing how there was a door in between two lanterns up ahead, Marcus announced. "And that must be the entrance to the basement. Once we enter - that is when we can be able to generate the portal and be free of these outfits."

Felix asked. "But what will we do after we go into Minecraft and find the Ghoulfriends? Where will they go after we use the spell?"

Stephano suggested. "Maybe to where Shadow Stephanie lives. Or we can ask her what does she want to do with them."

Gonzales nodded at this as Marcus concluded. "You're right, Stephano. But I think we should probably ask first - in case she has OTHER ideas for them."

After that - Marcus knocked on the door to the basement. On being met with uncomfortable silence, that was when he opened the door to a clean area, which was strange for a basement area. Until you remember that Shadow Stephanie had been here with her friends and decided to clean up the place after having forced them into Minecraft.

Walking in, Marcus gestured for his friends to stand back, as he briefly used a bit of magic to put them all back into regular clothing before making a portal door. With that - it was finally time to cross this portal and into the world of Minecraft.

But what they didn't realise... what that this next journey - was going to take a bit longer than expected...


Author's Note: Sorry for the shorter chapter, but I sort of want to get back into finishing this. As it was a good story that I forgot to finish.

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