♡^Part 1--//Why's He Here?//^♡

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AU Description: UA wants information about abilities + Yokohama in general. Mori has agreed to help out, but on a condition. Dazai and Chuuya get to attend UA for some time. Why? Mori really needs a break...anyways, Fyodor's here cause he wanted to be. Only Nezu knows about the Mafia affiliations that Dazai and Chuuya have, but knows nothing about Fyodor. Dazai's quirk is listed like Aizawa's, Quirk Erasure, Chuuya's is Gravity Manipulation, and Fyodor is listed as Quirkless (he's in the Support Course while Chuuya and Dazai are in 1A)

It's Dazai and Chuuya's first day at UA, and it's introduction time ♡

Aizawa sighed as he brought two more problem children into his classroom, wishing he could've gotten more sleep. He cleared his throat before he spoke to the chaotic class infront of him. "Listen up, problem children. We have two new problems here and you're going to be nice. Introduce yourselves or whatever, just don't bother me..." He grumbles, walking over to his bright yellow sleeping bag.

Dazai waves to the class, while Chuuya just glares. "Hi!~ I'm Dazai, and this chibi here is Chuuya!" Chuuya groans, trying his very hardest not to strangle Dazai. "Stop calling me that, you mackerel!" He grabs Dazai by his collar, about to punch Dazai, earning multiple gasps from some of the students. "Oh nooooo...don't hurt me, Chibi..." Dazai says dramatically, pretending to be scared. "Chuuya, that is very inappropriate behavior! Please put down Dazai!" Tenya Iida pipes up from the back of the classroom, doing choppy hand motions. "Shut it four eyes, this is entertaining." Bakugo Katsuki shouted from the other side of the classroom, his feet kicked up onto the desk and his hands behind his head.

Over all the noise between Bakugo and Iida, another voice can be heard, Izuku Midoriya speaks up. "So, uhm, what are your guys quirks? If you don't mind me asking, of course..." Dazai walks over to him, smiling sweetly, but Chuuya knows that look, there's no good intentions behind that look. "My quirk is like your teachers, except, I can just touch the person and they can't use it." Chuuya steps beside Dazai, watching him cautiously to make sure he doesn't do anything and sticks to the plan. "Oh, wow!" He then starts mumbling about the uses and the potential, etc. Chuuya pulls Dazai aside, whispering.

"Stick to the plan. Don't mess things up." Dazai laughs softly, having that creepy smile on his face. "Oh, Chibi...have faith in me, okay?" Chuuya sighs, rethinking his life choices. "Whatever..." He mutters and takes his hand off of Dazai.

Class goes on with everyone introducing themselves and getting to know Dazai and Chuuya better, or...what they thought was getting to know them better. Chuuya and Dazai had planned their story together beforehand, making sure nothing about the Mafia got out.

The story they've put together is that they live together, and we're both adopted by Mori. Chuuya's back story is that he lived with his father (Verlaine) and brothers (The Flags) and his childhood friends were the Sheep. He moved away with Dazai after he was offered a totally safe job. Dazai's story is that he was raised by Mori and is a definitely normal teenager.

Halfway through class, Aizawa wakes up when there's a knock at the door. Groaning, he says, "Ugh...they're here..." Class 1A all give each other a confused look before Ochako Uraraka speaks up. "Uhm, who's here, Mr. Aizawa?" He sighs and stands up. "Support Course." He opens the door and let's all the support students in. Dazai and Chuuya immediately notice that purple silk hair, the sharp violet glare, and that stupid fluffy hat. They shoot up from their seats, their demeanor changing entirely at his presence.

"What is he doing here?" They both say in sync, their voices dripping with disgust. "Oh, I didn't realize the lab rat A5158 and the suicidal alcoholic were here." He scoffs, speaking in his heavily Russian accent, smirking. "Don't give me that shit. And, me, a rat? Don't call me by that code, either! Don't even, Dostoevsky." The tension that was in the room currently could almost literally be cut by a knife.

"Uhm...do you guys know each other?" The green haired boy's voice shows up, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Unfortunately." They all say in sync, all obviously disliking each other. "Fyodor, if you didn't know we were here, why would you be here? You hate people." Dazai turns back to Fyodor, who is still smirking. "The world doesn't revolve around you, Dazai...I thought you would realize that after Oda--" "Get his name out of your filthy mouth." Dazai's eyes widen in fury, about to tackle Fyodor. Chuuya puts his hand back on Dazai's shoulder, making sure he won't start a fight.

Aizawa clears his throat. "Ahem...can you three please calm down? I can't deal with this today. Chuuya sighs. "Yes, sir."

[Time skip]

It's now lunch, and the trio are sitting together. Class 1A and Support are confused because the three were almost at each other's throats in the classroom, but now Dazai and Fyodor were getting along perfectly fine. Chuuya still just looks annoyed.

From the outside, it also looked like a normal conversation, laughing and smiling but really...

"You're going to die by my hands one of these days." Dazai's smirk grows as he says this, leaning forward with his elbows pressed onto the table. "Oh, really?" Fyodor retaliates, flashing his pearly white teeth, his sharp gaze meeting Dazai's own. "Yeah, really. I'm going to kill you, Dostoevsky. Dazai threatened again, leaning forward even more. "Hm...I can't wait, Osamu." Fyodor was doing this on purpose, and Dazai knew this, so he was just continuing. "I hate you so much..." He states in-a-matter-of-factly way. From the outside eye, it would look like they were about to kiss they were so close together. "I'm flattered." Chuuya groans as he watches their little feud, a bit uncomfortable with the closeness of Dazai and Fyodor.

Meanwhile, with Class 1A at their own table...
"Uh, what do you guys think is up with those three?" Mina takes a sip of her lemonade, pointing in the direction of the trio. "Yeah...they're a bit...stange, to say the least." Denki Kaminari mutters, a bit hesitant to speak about the trio. "Something about them is offsetting. Kind of...creepy..." Ochako runs her padded fingers through her chocolate hair, glancing over at the three males. "Let's not jump to conclusions, guys." Ejiro Kirishima joins in cheerfully, wanting to give the newbies a chance. Surprisingly, Bakugo agreed. "Yeah, these extras don't seem like total losers, let's give them a chance." Everyone was surprised but all eventually agreed. After all, everyone deserves a chance, right?

Through the rest of the day, Dazai and Chuuya really got to know the UA students, making somewhat of acquaintances. Dazai wore that smile the whole time, sending shivers down Chuuya's spine everytime their eyes met.


Heyyyyy. Did you enjoy? Hopefully. Anywayssss...I'VE GOT A GREAT STORY TIME. So, for one, if you didn't know, I am American, let's go USA. Anyways, last Friday, there was a lock down at my school (I wasn't there) and it started out as a drill but apparently it wasn't and there was apparently a school shooter sooo...nobody was arrested though cuz they didn't know who it was. Nobody was shot so we good. And my mom got scammed. It was really funny. Except now we're poor. Uhm. Haha...I hope you all have a great day, happy Halloween! (1275 words btw.)

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