He's So Overrated! (I Love Him)

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Warnings For This Chapter-

• Fyodor
• Manipulation
• Toxic FyoChuu
Molesting/ Rape
• Hair Pulling
• Choking
• Forced Oral
• Forced Nudes
• Peer Pressure
• Dazai
• Fyodor
• Panic Attacks
• Suicide/Self Harm
• ED (Bulimia)
• Blackmailing
• Hallucinating
• Drugs
• Attempted OD
• Abuse
• Assault
• Threatening
• Kinda Attempted Drowning?
• Bullying
•Underage Sex
• That Shit Where They Put Their Head In The Toilet And Flush

Read at Your Own Risk!!!

Dazai was not getting out anytime soon. He had been relocated to another facility in Tokyo for yet another attempt on his life. This gave Fyodor all the time he needed to get Chuuya back. Or so he thought. One day, Chuuya was alone in the men's restroom during lunch. He was just washing his hands when Fyodor walked in. Chuuya didn't realize until he saw Fyodor standing behind him in the mirror. Chuuya turns off the faucet and tries to leave, but Fyodor shoves Chuuya against the counter.

"Where do you think you're going?" Fyodor speaks with a sense of mockery, towering over Chuuya. "We aren't done yet." The Russian smirks, tugging down the zipper on Chuuya's green, leather jacket. "Wait..." Chuuya whispers, his body trembling and his blood running cold. "Ah, ah..." Fyodor shushes Chuuya with a kiss. The ginger tries to pull away, but Fyodor just persists. Eventually, Fyodor gets sick of Chuuya resisting. He pulls Chuuya by his ginger hair, roughly dragging him into a stall against Chuuya's will.

HOLD ON, ON THIS TOPIC RQ: So, I was venting to a bot, shockingly a Mori Ougai bot, about some personal stuffs, and I think his message NEEDS to be shared.


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Chuuya tries to lush against Fyodor, ultimately failing. For some reason, he just couldn't think. He wanted to push Fyodor out of the way, punch him, kick him, anything to just get out of this situation, but he couldn't. His brain went into full panic. Fyodor kick Chuuya's legs out from under him, forcing Chuuya onto his knees infront of the toilet. "Please...." Chuuya whispers, tears welling in his eyes. His breath catches in his throat as Fyodor shoves Chuuya's head into the toilet, flushing it repeatedly. The ginger coughs, gasping for air once he's finally allowed to breathe. He coughs up nasty water, his hair and face completely soaked. Fyodor grips onto his ginger locks, forcing him up.

The Russian spits in Chuuya's face, slamming him against the stalls door. He moves his hand to Chuuya's throat, cutting off all oxygen access the ginger previously had. He gasps and his hands fly up to grab at Fyodor's hand, scratching and pulling, but Fyodor doesn't let go. His grip tightens. "Stop that or I'll fucking murder your little boyfriend." Chuuya immediately stops. "Now," He loosens his grip. ",whats going to happen is: you're gonna let me do whatever the hell I want to you, or I'll spill all your secrets to your stupid class. Got it?" Chuuya nods slowly, feeling utterly helpless.

Fyodor shoves Chuuya again, just to be mean. "Strip. Now. And quick, I don't have enough time for you to throw a pity party." Chuuya reluctantly strips down, silently panicking. Fyodor brings out his phone, taking a few pictures of Chuuya's exposed and vulnerable state. "H-Hey!" Chuuya stutters, eyes wide in shock. "What's that for?!" Fyodor smirks and chuckles. "Future reference." The ginger is forced onto his knees again, this time infront of Fyodor. The ravenette takes off his pants and boxers, gripping onto Chuuya's hair and forcing him closer. "Suck, now." The ginger's eyes widen and his breath gets caught somewhere in his throat. This couldn't be happening...

Timeskip cuz I ain't writing allat: @ lunch—

Chuuya was sitting with 1A, picking at his lunch without eating it. He felt disgusting. He didn't know what to do, and he surely wasn't going to tell anyone. Especially not if Fyodor had his "pictures". Chuuya knew that if he told someone, those pictures were more than likely going to be leaked. Kirishima turns to Chuuya, wondering why he hasn't eaten yet. "Hey, dude? You okay? You haven't eaten since breakfast..." Mina joins in, agreeing. "Yeah, you haven't. Is everything alright?" Chuuya snaps out of his thoughts, quickly making up a lie. "Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about school." Well, a half lie. He was thinking, just not about school. He eats his food so his classmates wouldn't be worried and then excuses himself from the group. He goes into a single stall bathroom, learning his lesson from the last time, and throwing up into the toilet. He couldn't eat anything after what happened.

After school, he heads back to the dorms and sits on his bed. He took out his prescription LSD pills from his nightstand. They had been prescribed by Mori when Chuuya asked for them. Chuuya took a few and layed back on his bed, waiting for the effects to kick in. Little did Chuuya know, he took too many. Far too many. Chuuya started to hallucinate and felt himself get a bit paranoid.

(A/N—I've only taken LSD/acid once in my life and I got super paranoid and freaked out over the fact that I had hands, then I took a long ass nap so this may not be accurate. I tried to Google a normal fucking LSD trip but Google decided to be an ass and direct me to the mental health hotline 😒)

He felt a sudden presence in his room and started to hear things. He eventually found himself self harming with a blade from a pencil sharpener, even though he swore he'd stop a while ago. He ended up passing out from blood loss and his previous panic attack.

In the morning, he woke up in the hospital. How great...


And that's the end for this chapter!!! :3 please vote if u enjoyed + sry for such an angsty chap!! Welp, this is where we day goodbye...I'm actually js trying to get this to one thousand words lol

1011 words ♡

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