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Paul sat in front of his mirror, doing his usual face paint. The star over his right eye. He whistled a small bit of a song from his band that became popular back in the 70s. Back when Ace and Peter were in the band. Paul had completely forgotten all about Ace and Peter, and they wouldn't have made it this far if they hadn't picked Peter and Ace.

Utterly oblivious to who opened the door, Paul called out, "Gene, do you mind passing me my hair tie on the couch?" No answer. "Gene?" Paul turned his head to face whoever was at the door.

Paul didn't get a chance to catch a glimpse of whoever the person was before a hand grabbed a fistful of his hair and smashed his face into the mirror in front of him. He let out a loud gasp from shock.

Over and over again, the person continued to smash his head into the mirror until he trembled. They shoved Paul to the floor as he gasped for air.

Paul took the opportunity to get a look at whoever it was. He slowly sat up, only getting up to his knees before they covered his mouth and shoved his guitar through the side of his neck until he saw the tip through the other half of his neck.

They dropped Paul's corpse, emitting a loud thud. Ace picked up a large piece of glass from the floor and looked at it to check his face paint and hair.

He dropped the piece and stared at his old bandmate's corpse and kicked his head as he walked outside of his room, closing the door behind him as he booked it down the hall. Another thud came from Gene's room.

Ace walked up to the door and slowly opened it to see Peter stomping a small fire out. It took a while for Peter to notice Ace was standing at the door. Peter and Ace shared a small glance at each other's eyes as Ace stepped inside the room.

As Ace stepped inside the room, he smelled smoke from a fire and fanned it out of his face. Peter's makeup was smudged and he had a can of hairspray in his hands. Ace looked over at the source of the smoke and gasped lightly in shock and awe. Peter melted Gene's face off. Gene had only gotten as far as putting his face paint on.

Splatters of blood were on the wall, the carpeted floor, and his mirror. "Damn.." Ace muttered under his breath, surprised that Peter was even capable of doing such a thing. "You've got guts, man." Ace chuckled. "So," Peter began as he dropped the hairspray. "Who's next Ace?"

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