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Singer called Tommy numerous times to no avail. Eric started to become concerned with each call. He eventually gave in and decided to go over to Tommy's house to check if he was okay. On the way to Tommy's house, Eric couldn't help but wonder why Tommy couldn't answer his phone.

Tommy always answered, no matter where he was or the situation. He even woke up whenever he was called. The second Eric got to Tommy's house, he got out of his car and knocked on Tommy's door.

After a few seconds of waiting at the door, Eric knocked again. He knew that Tommy was home since his car was parked in the driveway. Eric knocked again until he heard a thud and shuffling inside.

Eric eventually caved in and opened the door. As soon as he opened the door he heard screaming coming from a room. He quickly walked over to where his screaming was. "Tommy?" Eric called his name in a panic as he walked over to him.

Tommy was sitting while grabbing he seemed to be grabbing his face. Eric couldn't see what Tommy was doing, but he seemed like he was in distress. He could tell he was by the way he was panting and trembling.

"Eric I can't see anything! I can't see anything where am I right now?!" Eric seemed confused. Tommy wasn't one to joke like this. Eric stepped closer "What are you talking about?"

Tommy quickly looked behind him and tapped the floor, feeling around for Eric. "Tommy, what the hell are you doing?" Eric bent down and gasped. "Oh my god... Tommy.." Eric seemed frozen in place.

Tommy's eyes were missing.

"Tommy your eyes are gone oh my god.." Eric could barely even speak. He was in shock and he didn't even know what to say right now. He stared at his empty eye sockets as Tommy grabbed his face, avoiding his eyes.

Tommy trembled as he tried to catch his breath. "Eric help please I can't see anything!" Tommy gripped onto Eric's shoulders tightly. He didn't want Eric to leave. Tommy needed Eric. He couldn't see anything, and now that Eric was here. He needed his help badly.

"Yeah.." Eric kept staring at Tommy. He slowly lifted Tommy with him off the floor. "Do you know who did this to you?" Eric asked, his tone still one of panic and nervousness. "N-no I can't remember anything my eyes hurt so badly I can't think right now!"

Eric sighed. "Alright... We can just talk later and just... I don't know let's just take you to the hospital right now."

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