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Peter walked through the hall and scoffed as he read the golden plaques that sat above the doors of a dressing room. Tommy Thayer. Eric Singer. It took everything in him not to barge inside and slit their throats, stab them to death, gouge their eyes out, and beat them to death. So much he wanted to do to them yet only one thing he can do. He kept walking until he stood in front of Gene's door.

He stepped in front of his door and quickly barged in and punched his face as hard as he could. Gene let out a loud groan of pain as he fell to the floor. Peter grabbed his hairspray, took a lighter he had in his pocket and grabbed the hairspray on Gene's table.

He stepped on his face to make Gene face him and sprayed fire in his face, making Gene scream in agony. Peter looked over the door as he heard a loud thud from across the hallway. The room filled with smoke as Gene's screams stopped abruptly. Peter quickly put the fire on Gene's face out.

Peter stared at Gene for a few seconds before averting his gaze to a small flame on the carpet. As he walked over and stomped it out, he heard the door open. He looked up at the door to see Ace standing there, peeking through the door cautiously.

They shared small eye contact before Ace stepped inside the room and let out a small gasp. He watched Ace fan smoke away from his face as he stared at Gene's face with a look of shock "Damn.." Peter heard Ace mutter under his breath.

Peter raised an eyebrow slightly "You've got guts, man." Ace said with a small chuckle. Gene and Paul were gone, the only 2 people left were Thayer and Singer. Peter wondered for a moment before speaking. "So, who's next?" Peter asked as he stepped closer to Ace. Ace rested a hand on Peter's shoulder. "You wanna go for Singer?"

Ace asked nonchalantly as he stared at Gene's face. Peter stayed silent. "Let's call it a day. I don't feel like being interrogated today." Ace stared at Gene for a few more seconds before turning around and leaving Gene's room with his arm still draped over Peter's shoulder. "Maybe next week." Ace kept his casual tone as he walked outside with Peter.

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