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Peter smashed the bottle on his wall, making the bottle, as expected, shatter on impact. It shattered into tiny pieces as Peter cursed nonstop. It was his idea yet he still fell asleep every night with a heavy weight on his back and a voice in his head, taunting him about how it was his fault.

He wanted to be fired from KISS and that's what he got. He was fired for good and that was it. It was over for good. He didn't even feel like it was himself talking about how he wanted to kill Gene. He sat on the sidewalk as the rain quickly dropped down onto his back and soaked his hair instantly.

He sighed softly and sat down. Completely ignoring the rain and how soaked he was. He had no family close enough to turn to, and Ace was god knows where. To Peter, he was just as guilty as Ace was. He hyperventilated for what felt like forever and was so caught up in the moment of killing Gene that he didn't even consider the fact that he would get caught.

He'd seen more than enough on TV and how the public reacted. He hadn't even noticed tears dripping down onto the ground as he hyperventilated. He stopped sniffling and moved his soaked hair out of his face when he felt a gentle yet firm grip on his shoulder.

He didn't bother or even have to look up to see who it was. Peter sighed softly and felt him being pulled up by Ace. Peter simply stared at a small shard of glass from the bottle he carelessly smashed on the brick wall of an old apartment.

As if it was on cue, a familiar car pulled up in front of both of them. Peter didn't know what Ace was planning at all. To Peter, Ace was an enigma, a mastermind of some sort. No matter the situation, Ace always found a plan last second and it somehow always managed to work out well in the end.

Ace never told Peter the plan whatsoever, even though he found it strange that they'd been talking every day since then. Ace, who nudged Peter into the car, sat in the passenger seat of the car. Peter had no idea what was going on. All he knew was that Ace somehow managed to find him and brought someone's car here to drop them off god knows where

Peter looked to his side as the car sped off to see Eric Carr next to him, biting his nail while clinging to the driver's seat in front of him. Ace seemed to be in somewhat of a deep conversation with whoever the driver was.

He decided to take a closer look at the driver. He seemed somewhat shocked when he recognized Vinnie's hair and his face from a side-view silhouette from the street lamps that provided just enough light in the car as it sped by numerous others.

All Peter could make out from the conversation is that both Eric and Vinnie are nervous. Ace, who had to convince them, also acted concerned. Peter still couldn't piece anything together. He had no idea why Eric and Vinnie were there to pick them up and he had no idea what Ace's plan was.

No one had talked to him but Ace and he didn't have any idea that Eric and Vinnie were even talking to Ace at all.
By the time Peter woke up, he found himself in bed. Dry and warm. Ace was right next to him watching TV and flipping through channel after channel until the sound and tone of the show stayed the same.

Peter slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, somewhat fatigued. He looked around him with confusion. The place wasn't recognizable at all. The only thing he recognized was Ace. He looked over at the door to see Vinnie standing there.

"Is Peter alright Ace?" Vinnie asked in a worried tone that had a hint of exhaustion and fatigue to it. Peter could only assume that Ace nodded before Vinnie closed the door. Usually, Vinnie would have stuck around longer for such situations, but he was tired.

Peter only stared at the door for a few seconds before Ace called his attention with a small whistle as he usually did. "We're gonna stay here for a while Pete," Ace said, his voice also holding a hint of fatigue in it.

"Eric and Vinnie don't know anything but offered us a place to stay until things die down so that people quit swarming us with mics and cameras." Peter felt a sense of relief and felt grateful. It didn't take him long for his eyelids to start feeling heavy again.

"Just tell them I said thanks.." He muttered tiredly before laying back down and pulling the covers up to his shoulders. Ace simply hummed in response, his eyes still focused on the TV.

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