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Ace tugged at his hair, another one of his nervous habits. He wished he had never gone to Tommy's house and done such a thing. Ace looked over at Peter who was sleeping next to him. Ace felt just as guilty as Peter at the moment.

Ace didn't even know himself anymore, and at this point he found himself questioning his own bloodlust. It was only supposed to be Paul and Gene. He never meant to hurt Tommy in any way shape or form, but he was so mad at him for no reason.

He was mad at Tommy for walking out on stage as if he were the real Spaceman himself. He acted as if he hadn't cared before but now it matters to him. He let the thought of someone else in his face paint sink in.

He found it a good thing at first, that his Spaceman persona would be able to live on. He saw it as a good thing at first but over time his attitude had changed. He would have thought a simple picture would be good to let his anger out on.

Obviously, the plan didn't fall through as he expected. A simple picture doesn't help if it's not screaming, he told himself. Ace rubbed his eyes and lay down. He hadn't even been living with Vinnie and Eric for a week and he already almost killed Tommy.

Taking his eyes wasn't even half as bad compared to the torture he put Paul through which made Ace feel worse. The fact that he's still alive even after what he put Tommy through made him feel horrible.

Ace wanted to get his act together. Quickly. He was desperate to just put everything behind him. Get drunker than ever and forget about all of his troubles. Peter wasn't feeling any different. He had attempted to shoot himself in the past before, but this tipped him over the edge.
Vinnie and Eric walked along the path, skipping over tiles with a design on them and stepping over the blank ones until they eventually reached the water fountain they went to almost daily. This time it was just to get Eric's mind off of Ace and Peter since Eric got distracted easily.

Once they were just minutes away from the fountain, Eric made a run for it, not caring about the tiles anymore. Vinnie, completely caught off guard, ran along with Eric, listening to the wind whistling past his ear.

By the time they got there, Eric was already at the fountain splashing the water around while Vinnie sat by the fountain and panting from all the running. The scenario was all too familiar to both of them.

It seemed like a memory that replayed over and over again. Vinnie seemed winded as always, and Eric was having his fun in the fountain. Eric seemed completely distracted while Vinnie thought about the bodies.

At this point, nothing felt real. Everything just felt like a nightmare that he would never wake up from.
The second they got home Eric fell asleep. Vinnie tried to at least get a small nap, even if it was only 5 minutes. Vinnie just found it harder to sleep every night. First, he lost his wife, and now his friends.

He still considered Gene and Paul friends even though Paul never had anything good to say about him besides the fact that he considered Vinnie a good guitar player. Vinnie however didn't mind since Paul was known for talking bad about everyone. No matter who it was.

The only ones Paul never talked about were Eric Carr, Singer, and Tommy. He would even throw Gene under the bus sometimes. At the same time, Vinnie had no idea why everyone still stuck around Paul even after how bad things got when he was talking about them.

Vinnie ended up staring at the ceiling and the wall most of his time awake and only ended up getting 2 hours of sleep that night. Better than nothing He thought.

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