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Ace sits on his couch, watching TV. It was 11:30 and his eyes were starting to get heavier with each second. His eyes shot open when he heard Paul and Gene's names on the news.

He chuckled softly as the screen proceeded to show Paul and Gene's corpse, then cut to them interviewing Tommy and Eric.

They looked petrified and understandably shaken up. Ace shut the TV off and continued to stare at the ceiling, zoning out before closing his eyes. To Ace, killing Gene and Paul was the best accomplishment.

Ever since Peter and Ace were booted from the band, they still kept in contact and talked about Gene and Paul all day, saying how they didn't need them, and that they'd see they needed them back in the band at some point.

They said everything that they could and everything that came to mind. It was never said, hinted or even mentioned, but they both knew that Paul and Gene would never take them back or forgive them.

They both knew they wouldn't forgive them but still acted as if they couldn't keep the band together without them.

Ace, who was about to fall asleep, was suddenly woken up by the vibration of his own phone on the table. He groaned and picked in up. He choked on practically nothing when he had more than at least 10 massages from different people.

Vinnie, Eric, Carr, Tommy, and Peter. He opened each message up, Vincent, Carr, Singer, and Thayer all knew nothing and asked Ace if he had seen the news.

Peter on the other hand poked fun at it, saying how dumb everyone was to not know that it was Ace and Peter who killed Gene and Paul. Ace skimed through each message and tried to respond as best as he could in his semi fatigued state.

Though he was happy they were finally gone, he still worried that people might catch on that Peter and Ace were the ones who killed Gene and Paul. Ace sighed softly. He didn't know if they did the right thing out of pure spite.

Was straight up killing the both of them too extreme? It was. Ace knew for a fact killing them was too far. BUt if they were gone, there was no one to be worried about.

If Peter was the one who suggested it. Ace didn't want to blame himself or Peter. He had always found it immature and dumb whenever criminals worked together to commit a crime and play the "It was their idea" game. He couldn't just do that.

Not to Peter. And he couldn't bring himself to send Vinnie or Carr behind bars. They had nothing to do with it. The entire night, Ace stayed up late, thinking about who to put the blame on. Someone they'd least suspect.

The only ones who were in the building at the time were Tommy and Eric. How could they convince people that it was truely Tommy and Eric?

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