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Vinnie stared at the screen in horror. He felt as if he couldn't catch his breath at the gruesome image before him. It almost felt fake, as if some sick joke was being played to scare people for the month. But it was real. Everything he was seeing on his TV was real.

He couldn't believe Paul and Gene were dead. When Vinnie was in the band, he had difficulty keeping everyone together and left. He hated that he was left to do everything he had to to keep every one including the band together.

But he certainly didn't want Paul or Gene dead. Everything seemed like it was falling apart. He only hoped that Tommy and Eric didn't suffer the same way, as Paul and Gene. It didn't take long for his phone to vibrate. He quickly grabbed it and saw a message from Eric Carr.

He quickly opened the message, his hands trembled as he quickly opened the message and read it. Eric also seemed horrified. Usually, Eric's sentences would be perfect and flawless but he seemed like he was in a rush typing everything out.

Vinnie couldn't bring himself to respond. He didn't know how to in the moment. Every time he tried to think or even blink the images of the crime scene would flash in his mind as if it just wanted to remind him that his friends were dead. He rubbed his eyes tiredly.

He just wanted to fall asleep and forget about everything that he had just seen but he didn't want to just ignore Eric's message he couldn't even speak properly with how stunned he was.

With a slow trembling hand, he wrote out a quickly response. Vinnie reached out to Ace next but didn't get a response from him within the next 12 minutes, which was somewhat unusual if one was texting Ace.

Vinnie brushed it off as Ace also not being able to comprehend it if he saw it too.

He sighed softly and eventually slept. It wasn't all that easy, with the image of Paul with a guitar through his neck and Gene's burnt face beyond recognition.

He would hate to imagine what Peter and Ace were going through at that moment considering they were extremely close friends back then. Vinnie could only assume how hard it must be on them.

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