That's not possible

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I felt Bonnie's magic when she tried different spells to find out what's wrong with me. When I woke up all I saw was her shocked face and Damon and Stefan waiting for her to say something.
"What is it?" I asked.
"That's not possible..." Bonnie's voice was just a whisper but it was loud enough for me to hear it.
"What is not possible Bonnie?" Damon's voice came from the other side of the room.
"You're pregnant!?" she said and I looked at her.
"Pregnant? That's not possible! I'm a vampire!"
"But you are part werewolf." I heard  a very familiar voice say and when I looked up I saw Katerina. And then everything started to make sense.
"Who's the lucky father then?" Damon asked.
I just looked at Katherine.
"Oh Lucy...please don't tell me it's Klaus!?" she said.
"I didn't sleep with anyone else!"
"You two were married for 500 years and that never happened!"
"Yes but he broke his curse and now he's part werewolf too. And werewolves can procreate."
I explained to everyone.
"What am I doing now? I left him! And he's in New Orleans now...I need to call Elijah." and with these word I ran out of the Salvatore house and immediately called Elijah.

"Hello Lucy. Everything alright?" I heard his calm voice say.
"Elijah, I'm pregnant." my voice was full of fear.
"Wait what? That's not possible!"
"It is and Niklaus is the father..."
"I'm coming to Mystic Falls right now!"
"Thank you"

I went back to the Salvatore house and saw everybody staring at me.
"Lucy...umm...we are so sorry for kidnapping you. That wasn't right." Stefan said.
"It's fine. But next time just ask me instead of treating and kidnapping me." I looked to Damon with these words.
"So what are you going to do now?" Caroline asked me, her and Elena arrived when I ran out to call Elijah.
"Elijah is picking me up." I said shortly.
"So you are leaving Mystic Falls too?" Elena asked me.
"Yes I'm going to New Orleans, I'm telling Niklaus about the pregnancy and then I'll see what I'm going to do." I explained.
"You can't leave me here Lucy!" Katherine almost yelled.
"Dont worry I will visit you and you can visit me anytime okay?"
"Fine. Shouldn't you be packing your stuff then?" she asked me.
"Yes." I said and waved goodbye to the others before leaving with Katherine to our apartment.

And 2 hours later Elijah was standing in front of my door waiting for me to come with him. And I did. I left Mystic Falls to go to New Orleans.

"Are you sure you're pregnant?" he asked in the car.
"I am. I can hear the heartbeat." I said. "Do you think he will accept the baby?"
"It won't be easy but I'm sure he will, it's his child."
"Thanks Elijah...for picking me up."
"I told you I will if you want to." he said and smiled and a few minutes later I already saw the beautiful lights of New Orleans.

 "It's still so magical

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"It's still so magical..." I said fascinated.
"It truly is." he said and stopped the car in front of a house that looked very familiar to me.
"Wait isn't that the house where we meet Marcellus?"
"Yes it is, we are staying here because Marcellus doesn't want us here, he's the King of New Orleans now. He has a lot of rules and it's all very complicated, we will explain everything another time."
"Woah...wait what? Marcellus is still alive?"
"Of course he is. He's a vampire after all."
"Well then I want to see him!"
"Not now Lucy it's late and we have to talk to Niklaus about the pregnancy, remember?"
"I'm scared Elijah."
"I know but I won't let him hurt you or the baby."

And then I saw him again, leaning against the door and staring at me.
"What are you doing here?" he asked me.
"We need to talk about something."
"Do we?" his voice was annoyed.
"Nik...I'm pregnant." I tried to say but my voice cracked when tears started to roll down my cheeks.
"That's not possible." he laughed but by the look of my face he realized that I was serious.
"We are both part werewolf and werewolves can procreate...Nik I know I left you but I was just so angry and-"
"You slept with someone else to get revenge and now that you are pregnant you try to come back to me!" he yelled and I started crying.
"I didn't...I would never."

He grabbed by my throat and pushed me against the wall

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He grabbed by my throat and pushed me against the wall.
"I don't care about you or the baby!" he yelled.
"That's not true. It can't be true! You loved me for over 500 years and now that I'm having your baby you say you don't care!?"
And then I passed out.

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