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A messenger from an empire walk down the aisles with great grace and elegance with the scroll in his hands and stood firm infornt of the King.

"Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Sultan" The messenger bow down his head as a gesture of respect. The king replied to the salaam and the messenger unrolled the scroll and started reading the scroll. When the messenger finally rolled back the scroll, ten swords were already position to slit his throat. The king stood up and give the hand gesture to put the swords down slowly the soldiers put their swords down.

"I will think about it, for now you're our guest keep yourself comfortable in my palace you won't have any complains." The king ended the court session and walked towards his chamber. On the way suddenly the king got a sharp pain in his chest and fall to the ground. The soldiers and the attendees rushed towards the king one soldier told an attendee to call the physician.

Two attendees enters the Princess's chamber to inform about the kings situation. Upon seeing the princess reciting the Quran they stood on there spot and waited for the princess to finish the recitation. When the princess finally finished her recitation one of the attendee came close to the princess and give her salaam the princess respond to it. "Princess, pardon us for interrupting your recitation. Sultan is asking your presence in his chamber.... his health have got worse then before." The princess nodded and fixed her dupatta and walk out of the chamber, the two attendees followed her.

"Abbujaan," the princess walk towards her father and took his hands and sat down at the bed. The king weakling said privacy to have a conversation with his daughter.

"My love, look at you today you're so grown up. I always have treated you like a kid ignoring that my daughter is growing up day by day. Today I can feel that my end is near....." The princess put her hands in his father's lips while creasing her father's hands close to her face, a tear fell from her right eye.

"Abbujaan, what are you saying today. Stop thinking too much you're not going anywhere." She said with her trembling voice.

The king sit up with difficulty and pulled his daughter for a hug. The princess cried in his arms knowing she can't run away from the reality. She knows her father's time is coming. Her father has been having poor health for a while. The king breath deeply trying his best not to upset his daughter.

"My love today I have got something for you..." The princess broke the hug and look at her father. She knows her father have a bad news for her. She lower her gaze and give a slight nod. The king tried his best to be strong for his beloved daughter .

"As a father I won't have even thought for a second and accept the war. But I am helpless my princess. As a king I have to think for the people of the kingdom. I have been given two path one to accept the war and two....." The kings voice broke. "And two.... to accept the marriage proposal." The princess knew what is coming for her.

"As a father I would have got selfish and choose the war. But I am the Sultan I have to think about the kingdom first. My precious I won't force you to get married to an empire who thought of destroying the kingdom. I will take steps only after your words. I know you're really wise and tell me what do you want." The chamber fall silent.

"Abbujaan.... accept the marriage proposal." The king's eyes widen. He thought his daughter will not accept the marriage proposal. When he lift his daughter's face he saw power in her eyes like the one her mother had. He quickly pulled his daughter and kissed her forehead. "My love are you sure about your decision?"

"Abbujaan, trust me I made the right decision for the kingdom." Hearing his daughter's voice he realized his daughter is ready to become a Queen.

"But abbujaan I have some condition they must accept.."

"Tell.. my love, I will write down in the scroll and give it to the messenger tomorrow before he departs." Hiba shooked her head. "No abbujaan, I will write the conditions down so that Sultan of the empire will know who he is getting married to." The authorizing voice of his daughter made him so proud that he took off one ring from his fingers and put it in his daughter's hands and kissed her forehead. Hiba stood up and ask her father's permission for leave.


Hiba~~destined to enemy kingdomWhere stories live. Discover now