Chapter 2

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"Princess that's all Shahanshah did?.... Didn't he consummate the marriage?" Falak asked while combing Hiba's hair. "Falak he was nice to me but he didn't even dared to touch me. I tried to make conversation with him but he told me to sleep."

   "What if he already have a wife and you are his second wife?" Hiba glared Falak. But somewhere in her mind she also thinks that he didn't accept all the condition she wrote down. One being her to be the only wife. "Falak, I am his only wife."Falak lift her brows not really convinced "How are you so sure you're the only wife? When he doesn't even wants to have conversations with you?"

    "Takhliya," Usman entered the tent. Falak handed the comb to Hiba and left the tent. Usman step close to Hiba and put his hands on her shoulder. Hiba turned a little to look at her shoulder then took the comb and started combing. Usman took the comb and kept it aside. He smelled Hiba's hair and pulled the hair aside to reveal the nape slowly  his lips reached to Hiba's nape and planted a kiss. Hiba insistently got red by what Usman is doing. "Sultan, are we not late for the journey?"Hiba asked out of nervousness.

   "Why were you complaining to your attendee about me?" Hiba grew even more red. Usman heard the conversation with Falak. "Sultan she is the only person I know. If I have any complain she is the only one I feel comfortable with so I shared it to her." Hiba replied carefully.

    "Next time if you have any complain come to me or tell Malik. Don't share it with anyone like that, understand?"

   "Who is Malik?" Hiba asked.

   "Malik." Usman rored. Soon a man entered the tent and paid salaam.

   "Begum, he is Malik my trusted man. He not only will listen to your complain but will also protect you when I am not around." Hiba nodded. Usman told Malik to leave, to have some privacy with Hiba.

   "Begum don't ever doubt that we didn't consider all your condition for marriage. You're my only wife. I will only consummate the marriage when you're eighteen right now you're just sixteen even though everyone sees you as their Malika-e-Hindustan you're still very young."Hiba understands now why he didn't try to touch her last night. "But many of my friends got married at my age and they even got their own child."Usman smiled at Hiba's innocence and kissed her cheeks.

   "You're very naive begum. Now put the dupatta the palanquin is waiting for you," Usman was just leaving when Hiba hold on his hands. "What else do you want Begum?"

   "Sultan, I get really bored in the palanquin tell someone to give me fresh fruits and dry nuts."

  "Only that?" 

   "No, I want something to entertain myself can you give me needles with some threads along with white plane fabric. Since no one talks to me during the journey I want to entertain myself."

   "I won't give you needles while traveling. But I will tell Nadia to be with you in the palanquin to talk to you." 

    "Nadia?.. Now who is this Nadia? And why are you keeping me away from Falak what's is the matter if Falak will be the one in the palanquin?"

     "A fifteen year old attendee, I will tell her to be your friend. Falak is your friend but I feel there is something weird about her when you talk to her about me. And also she will be sent back."

    "Don't send Falak back she is the only person I know." Hiba said angrily. "Okey, I won't send her back, but don't talk to her much. There is something odd about her." Saying this Usman left the tent soon a girl entered the tent.

   "Salam Malika-e-alam. I am Nadia, I will be with you throughout the journey." Hiba nodded and left the tent and sit on the palanquin. Nadia followed Hiba and sit on the palanquin. The same lady from yesterday gave fresh fruits and dry nuts to Hiba. After moments the palanquin is lifted and the soldiers start walking after the command.      

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