Chapter 8

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Hiba's brother stare at the necklace which looks exactly like the one Hiba is wearing, he remember how his mother gave it to him on the day they tried to take him back to the palace but he denied going back, he can see a clearly visible baby bump carrying Hiba, his mother take out the two necklace and gave one to him and told him "If you see anyone with the same necklace just know it is your sibling," they kept there promise to never tell the world about his existence until he comes back to the palace and provided him with every knowledge every prince must know.He also remember how when his mother was sick he would sneak in to her chamber every night he wanted to make up for the time he lost by staying away from her, he lay down at her lap and she hummed lullaby. Tears flooded his eyes remember the last moments he had with his mother.

     "What are you thinking?..," Fatima asked, he hugged Fatima and sobbed.Fatima calmed his husband down "Razzaq you can't change what happened in the past but you can change the future by taking your steps wisely,"he lay his head down in Fatima's lap "Fatima I don't know what will I do my father is on a death bed and have only two months left, I never got a chance to be around any of my family and what about the kingdom after his demise?.. Fatima I am not ready to take any responsibility.." Fatima smiled looking at her husband "You are a good husband, a good father and a good human, you have fulfilled every obligation that came in your way and about responsibility you can take upon it, just have faith in you," Fatima looked at Razzaq he is sleeping peacefully she kissed his cheeks "Don't question yourself anymore and take your responsibility as the prince of the kingdom," she murmured.   

   It is early morning Hiba is getting ready to leave she looks at Razzaq with  a sad face "So you aren't coming, are you?.." Razzaq shooked his head Hiba took a deep breath and hug him "I pray for you and your family's happiness and well being," Razzaq hugged back "Ameen."Fatima gave Hiba food to eat throughout the journey and Razzaq told her to be safe he kissed her forehead and finally bit his 'Goodbye'. Hiba got on the horse and for the last time he looked at her brother "Asslamwalaikum," his brother smiled sadly "Walaikumasslam,"Hiba rode off, her eyes is filled with tears she doesn't want to look back. Razzaq looks at Hiba's diminishing frame, behind his back he is holding the necklace.  

     Hiba reached the palace she is sad, she went to her father's chamber with a guilt face and sat down beside him "Abbujaan I am sorry I can't accomplish one of your wish," her father lift her face, her eyes are clearly red from all the crying. He hug her "It's okey all that matters to me is you tried, trying is the best thing to do, whatever the outcome is," Hiba sobbed.  

     Attendee helped Hiba in bathing, she wants to calm herself down from whatever have happened, "Princess you seem a bit tense if something is troubling you you can share," Hiba smiled at her with kindness and said nothing have happened  she is just worried for her father. 

     Hiba is sitting at the balcony,Usman can see his wife is a little tense and sad, he walks to her "Begum, you seem restless," Hiba hugged him, he started rubbing her back "Sultan I don't know what to do anymore my father is counting his days my brother refused to come, I can't convince anyone, what about the kingdom who will take care of it after my father?.." Usman understands Hiba's frustration, soon the attendee called Hiba and Usman for lunch at the king's chamber.

      Hiba is having hard time to sleep she moves a lot, she doesn't want to disturb Usman she took a lamp and walked out of her chamber. She looks a the sky filled with stars and leaned into the rallying of the Palace "Malika what aren't you asleep till now?."  Hiba looks up to see Zubair smoking calmly "First of all why are you up?.." Hiba backfire, Zubair simply puff out the smoke and look down from the ledge, "I am waiting for a lady to come out of the palace, saying this Zubair took the lamp and put out the fire, Hiba tried to protest but Zubair put his hands in Hiba's mouth to make sure she makes no sound. "Malika be quiet for a moment if you really want to catch the culprit poisoning your father, Hiba calmed down and Zubair set Hiba free they look down the rallying, Hiba saw a woman walking out of the palace were all black clothing, Zubair hit Hiba which prompt her to see the sight from a small crack. She sees the woman was't alone there is another woman wearing all black clothing. Hiba's vision intense. She ask Zubair to come with him at the servants quarter because the figure is of a woman and it is obvious she is an attendee. Zubair initially deny it because he doesn't want to disturb woman's space but Hiba won't listen and take him with her. 

       Hiba hide in the bushes with Zubair waiting for the woman, soon the woman arrive, Hiba watches her as she enter's the room made for attendee who can only serve the royal, she  pulled Zubair and watched through the cracks to unfold the identity, her eyes intense when the woman took off her cover it is the head attendee, she saw her taking a small bag out and hiding it in the crack of the window.

   Hiba keeps a close eyes on the head attendee and told the situation to the commander, the commander too joined with Hiba trying to catch the attendee red handed, the attendee is taking breakfast for the king Hiba and commended carefully observed her move, soon the attendee start behaving weird when she reached the corridor with no guard she looked around and took out the small bag Hiba recognized it, she put some herbs to Kings breakfast. The attendee felt a hand touch on her shoulder the tray of food fall and she is pale to see it's Hiba, Hiba smiled "What were you doing with the King's food?" The attendee knew she is caught she tried to run away but soon caught by the guards. Hiba gave a sinister smile "Bring her to the court, let me poison her back, don't let her escape or else you all will be beheaded as well as your family," Hiba told the commander to arrange the court. Commander's face is a bit tensed.    


Is there something about Hiba we don't have a clue about?.. 

What will happen to the attendee?..

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