Chapter 9

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Trigger warning!!(Don't complain I already put a warning) 


The court is waiting for Hiba's presence and finally Hiba entered the court, everyone stand to greet her Hiba raised her hand to making everyone sit down, Usman is watching Hiba and he can see she isn't the same Hiba he adore she seems like a different woman. "I don't want to waste any time further bring the culprit," the attendee was tide in shackles and two guards bought her and present her to there princess. The attendee is seemingly weak "Everyone she have been slow poisoning the king risking the kingdom's well being and her punishment for trying to poison the royal's and becoming a traitor is heavy on her shoulder," all the minister started murmuring and sound erupt in the court, she silenced everyone, Hiba sat down beside the throne "Her punishment can be lifted if she chose to speak truth," the attendee look at Hiba she went pale she knew what Hiba will ask "If you want your punishment to lift up tell me who is behind the poisoning?.. who made you committee such crime?"the color from the attendee is washed off.        

    It have been half an hour the court is silent Hiba is getting angrier the attendee won't even say a word, she gave a sign to the commander, the commander understood, few moments later the family of the attendee were bought in, they were screaming to trying to escape from the guard upon seeing her family in the court the attendee finally spoke "Sahazadi... sahazadi, I beg you please leave my family alone they have nothing to do with my sin I am the culprit punish me now..." the attendee plead while crying, Hiba gave a sinister smile, Usman on the sight is stunned to see Hiba enjoining the moment, he gulped down the harsh truth down the throat. "Will you tell me who is behind the poisoning or want to loose what is precious to you?.." The attendee's face went blank she looked at Hiba who have no empathy in her eyes staring down at her. She looked at her family then lost herself in her thought, "You peasant  we don't have a whole day for you, tell the truth or your precious one will loose there life," the attendee didn't answer it is making Hiba more angry, she gave a look to the commander. Soon the attendee's family is beheaded in the court while the attendee is forced to watch how her precious one is beheaded, she cried her lungs out and fall on the ground she looked at Hiba who is grinning looking at her misery and enjoying. The attendee stood up and laughed she spit on Hiba "What can I expect from the blood of invader, you are exactly like your forefathers who mercilessly invade every kingdom and made everyone's life miserable. Those eyes of yours I hate it it reminds me of your linage who is born to invade and only invade," the attendee was huffing in exhaustion.             

  Hiba walk down the throne and slapped the attendee, the attendee fall to the ground "Yes my family is an invader so what, that is why war was made it benefits a kingdom while destroying another that is how politics works when two kingdom doesn't agree with one another... but you" Hiba giggled "...look at yourself you choose your family's death to hide another culprit, fine if you don't want to tell me who is behind all this but remember you are a pathetic woman who really thought could do something.. war occurs everywhere, but you haven't move on from the destruction, your family died today because you can't accept the reality." The attendee curled up and cried. "Since you don't want to speak I will grant you your wish, as your punishment for becoming a traitor and trying to kill the king your tough and limbs will be cutoff, you will be throne into the dungeon and fed food with the same poison you fed my father," everyone in the court froze seeing how cruel the young princess is, Usman watched all of it and he is sweating seeing his wife's cruel side he can't continue the hearing and went back to the chamber.    

   Hiba took a cold shower and dress herself simply she looked at Usman who is sleeping due to fever, "I am going out I will return back in a while." Hiba's horse is ready and the guards accompanied her, she reached the graveyard she have a basket of flowers. She felt guilty for killing the innocent life just because of one culprit but it was necessary to eliminate potential threats. She puts the flower on each tomb and cried remorsefully, she asked for forgiveness and cried putting her head in the knees. The guards knew even if there princess is a little crual with her decision she isn't a bad person, Usman is watching from a corner, in the court he thought Hiba is a crual woman with no empathy but seeing her cry in front of the desised grave made his heart soft again "I was right she is worthy of being and empress, isn't it Zubair?.." Zubair nodded, Zubair knew Usman will start overthinking about Hiba so he pulled him out to follow Hiba to make sure the marriage doesn't fell apart, he knew no one can be a better empress then Hiba after he saw the decision she took in the court.   

     Falak gave the news about the attendee to the mysterious woman "I knew it the invader's daughter will not even have a slight empathy, she is just like her father merciless. Now we have to come up with something to kill her that witch and her lineage should be destroyed forever." Falak looked at her sister who is strangling the cat her nails pierced the cat's throat killing it on the spot she threw the lifeless cat to the fire and laugh like a maniac, Falak is a bit scared looking at her sister, "Bring a new cat tomorrow and clean the blood," Falak looked at her sister who is smiling evilly.


This chapter is quiet challenging for me, I hope you like it <3 

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