Chapter 6

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It's been six months Hiba got married, she is finally able to feel home in the palace and her knowledge in medicine is thriving. Unknown Usman got a letter his brow intense reading it he left his study and told Malik to inform the empress dowager he is leaving for a while. Usman walks to the medicinal garden where Hiba is learning how to carefully pluck the medicinal plant from Zubair. Usman asked Hiba to spare few moments and handed her the letter, her eyes widen, it is a letter from Kandahar. Her father's health is in a critical condition so she most leave for Kandahar as soon as possible, Usman told Hiba they will leave by evening and he told the attendee to prepare everything for the journey. "Sultan I want Zubair to come with us, he might know what my father needs." Usman nodded and talked to Zubair, he agreed. 

    After two weeks of restless journey Hiba finally reached her kingdom, she ignored all the welcoming and ran to her father's chamber. She sees her father in the bed, she kneels down and hold his hands and cried "Abbujaan, you can't leave me or the kingdom like this, you have to be strong not for me but for the kingdom too.." she sobbed, her father opened his eyes weakly and saw her daughter's tear filled eyes he tried to sit with struggle,  Hiba told him not to sit and lay comfortably but he won't listen. "My precious you are finally here, I am happy to see you glowing and flourishing, you seem to be happy with your marriage at least one of my wish is fulfilled before my death.." Hiba sobbed "Abbujaan don't say those words again you aren't going anywhere, you have to live." Hiba's father smiled at his daughter soon Usman ask the permission to enter the room with Zubair. The king let them in, Zubair introduce himself and ask the king if he could check his condition.    

      "Your highness, I am sorry to break it but it seems like you have been slow poisoned for few months, your health is bad already and this slow poisoning is increasing your critical health, now there is only two months left for your survival the poisoned have damaged you a lot," the king knew something was up because he was fine three months ago but suddenly his heath started dropping. He told everyone in the chamber to leave him alone with Hiba he needs to talk.

    "Hiba me and your mother have been hiding this for long but now it is the time you know about this since I have only two months left I want to mend things with your elder brother.." Hiba is shocked to know he have an elder bother "So I am not the only child?.." Hiba's father took a deep breath and shooked "Before you, your mother and I had a son that time I was invading the kingdoms around me which lead to repeated war one day our palace was under attack and all the enemy wanted was to kill your brother, your mother did everything to protect your bother, she gave your brother away to a farmer who lost there child and can't have kids anymore to protect him, after the war was over your mother was expecting you we wanted your brother to come back but he refused to come back and thought the farmer is his real parents it devastated me and your mother but your brother seem really happy so we never forced him, we provide every knowledge and privilege a prince must have to him despite being far, now I just want to see him at least once before I die I want to tell him everything and want to mend things at least once.." tears fall down his eyes and Hiba hugged him and want to know where her brother is now.

     Hiba talked the the commander and told him about the slow poisoning matter, she knew out of all the people the commander can't be the one because to serve her father he gave all his life to her father he didn't even got married or have any other responsibility other then being with his father in all political circumstances. She told him to arrange the horses she is going to visit her brother the very next day.     

     Hiba came to her chamber and saw Usman sitting at the swing in the balcony she went to Usman and hugged him. "My father is counting his days, I have already lost my mother now I don't know what will I do after loosing my father and what about the kingdom?.. " Usman patted Hiba's head "It will all be fine have faith in yourself," Hiba hugged tighter "Tomorrow I will be leaving to bring my brother..." Usman is confused "Brother?.. I thought you are the only heir..' Hiba explained everything to Usman  "...... Tomorrow I don't want anyone to accompany me it is a matter between me and my brother, Sultan please I don't want anyone to intrude in this matter I have to go alone." Usman took a deep breath "Remember you are a empress don't put your life in danger and be safe." 

      It was early in the morning as per her request commander arranged horses for Hiba. Hiba disguises herself as a commoner, she thanked the commander and turned to Usman and promise to be safe. Usman handed his dagger to Hiba for safety and recited Ayatal kursi. She is finally ready to leave and rode off the horse. 

      Hiba reached the village his brother is living in he ask some of the people about her brother's house one kind man showed her the house. Through the fence she can see two kids playing with each other, there eyes fall on Hiba and the two kids with a cute angry expression looked at Hiba "Are you a thieve, why are you looking at our house?.." the other kid shouted "Yeah why are you looking at our house?.." Hiba is smiling at there cuteness but then the kids started calling there mother but instead there father came out. Hiba's eyes widen the man looks like her father and have the same amber eyes as hers, the man looked at Hiba's direction and he froze. There is an unknown tension between them.   


Will Hiba able to convince her brother to meet the father?..

Will her brother accept Hiba as his sister?...

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