Chapter 4

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It's been three days Hiba haven't woke up the physician is trying there best to help her, her body is cold due to side effect of the poison the attendees are massaging her feet and hands with warm oil, Usman's mother put at hand in Usman's shoulder, "Son its been three days you have skipped your duties as an emperor.. I know you are worried for your wife but you are an emperor now you have so many obligation, now go do your work," Usman is about to say something but stopped by his mother "..there is no buts my child, you should never forget your duties I will take care of her after all she is a family too, now I am her mother too, I will take care of her you complete your duties." Usman left the chamber he knew his mother is right he should not forget he is an emperor and his empire needs him, but he can't resist his obligation to his wife either. He told Nadia to inform him when Hiba wakes up. He went to his study room and Malik presented all the documents pending from three days and ask Usman if he could help wrap up the work, both started working.

Usman's mother sat beside Hiba and massage her hands with warm oil, she can feel Hiba's temperature is rising slowly she knew in no time Hiba will wake up, she told the attendees to make some herbal soup for Hiba, she have knowledge about medicines and herbs after all she was a physician before getting married to Usman's father. She knew after waing up Hiba will puke and have no stomach to eat anything due to the poison, the herbal soup will calm her.

As she predicted Hiba woke but she felt like vomiting so she gave her a big bowl, after she threw out whatever was inside her she felt weak, Usman's mother helped Hiba in washing her face and mouth and slowly she started feeding soup, Hiba smelled the soup first the aroma is really helping her with the nauseous feeling, the soup help with burning throat and stomach.

Usman entered the chamber in rush and went to Hiba and sat beside her, "How are you feeling now?.." Hiba smiled weakly "I am feeling a little better, Ammi's herbal soup helped me a lot." Usman is relived to see Hiba is finally awake. Usman's mother clear her throat "Well I will go now, I have a lot of work to do," she is making excuse to leave the couple alone.

The chamber is silent, Usman hugged Hiba and smelled her hair, "Don't you ever make me scared, begum.... fear doesn't suits me." Hiba hugged Usman back "Sultan don't be scared I will fight every odd to protect myself." Usman broke the hug and kissed Hiba's forehead "You must be tired I have some medicine for you, eat it and sleep, you have to recover soon."

A week have passed Hiba finally recovered from the poison, the physician and empress dowager helped her a lot throughout the recovery, she is really interested in medicine studies and wants to have knowledge just like her mother in law. It's night and dinner is served in the room Usman will be reaching in no time, so she sat on the sofa to tell him about her interest in medicine. Usman finally entered. They both clean themselves and sat down for dinner. Today Hiba ordered the attendees to make something Usman loves to eat. Hiba could not speak throughout dinner, after changing her cloths to a clean cotton she walks to the bed, Usman is reading a book. She knew it is the right time now or never.

"Sultan," Usman looked at her and put his book down, "Tell me what do you want since you prepared the dinner with everything I like." Hiba started feeling nervous and calmed herself, "Sultan I want to study medicine and have knowledge like ammi." "If that is what you want you can do it, knowledge have no boundaries everyone should have knowledge about something, it is knowledge which makes one person different from others." Hiba rewind her husband's word he is absolutely right and also she is happy her husband is so supportive of her. Back in her kingdom even though she got privilege to every education she wasn't sure of what she wants but she had basic knowledge about some things or other she focused on learning languages and reading literature and few political related studies as she was the only heir to the throne.

Usman called the physician to his study and told him to teach the Queen about medicine from the next day, after that he called a trainer and told her to start training Hiba after four days because he wants Hiba to rest for few more days her body is a little weak after the poisoning. He told the trainer and Physician to discuss when to schedule there lessons.

Usman's mother called Hiba in her room to ask her opinion about the itar, Hiba comes to the chamber and saw the itar bottles in the table, Usman's mother gesture Hiba to sit beside her, they both enjoyed there quality time. Usman's mother gave itar bottles for Hiba and Usman before Hiba leaves. Hiba came to her chamber and is excited to try the itar, she smells so warm and lovely.

Usman enter the chamber he notice the fragrance coming from Hiba who was in the bed on her stomach reading a book, she didn't notice Usman's presence she is so concentrated in her books. Usman went close to Hiba trying not to create any sound he can smell the warm and sweet fragrance when he look over he saw she was reading about medicinal plants, he smile slightly knowing how excited she is to learn about medicine. When he sat down the bed Hiba felt the weight and suddenly in reflex jump over Usman and put a dagger near his neck. Hiba realizes it is her husband and felt embarrassed and the position is awkward as well she was sitting on top of him. "I am impressed by your reflex begum.." Hiba's face is clearly red she doesn't know how to act, Usman gave a grin and in a shift he hover on her pinning her down in the bed "You have to teach me how you have such a fast reflex." Suddenly an attendee came inside with dinner upon seeing the couple in the awkward position she apologized for interrupting and left. Usman and Hiba free themselves and felt embarrassed of whatever happened, Hiba is extremely red she ran to the bath house feeling shy Usman followed to calm her down.


I think this chapter is cute isn't it?..UwU

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