Chapter 3

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Hiba wakes up to Usman's arms wrapped around her possessively, it is still mid night. Faint lamp light fall on Usman's face, Hiba scanned her husband's face for the first time. She looks at his eye lashes and felt jealous that he have better lashes hers but she shooked it off after thinking her kids will have the lashes which made her happy and blushed. She keeps on scanning his face to find good features for her kids, the more she scanned the more she felt proud that she have such a husband with good features which will pass down to her kids. She was smiling as well as getting excited she will have beautiful kids. Hiba remember her walima and turned away from Usman and try to sleep, Usman open his eyes and smiled he was awake all the time but didn,t want to embarrass his wife.

  Hiba is confused which dress to were for walima, her mother is law sent three dresses and now she is confused which one to choose. Usman is taking a bath so she can't call any attendee either. She decided to ask her husband instead, she walks toward the bath house and ask Usman's permission before entering. She enters the hamman to see Usman is in the bath pool. "Sultan, I am confused," Hiba complained. "Begum, what happened?.." Usman said while resting his arms on the pool's edge, "Ammi sent three dresses for me I don't know which one to were, it is so frustrating," Usman gave a look which says 'What I am getting myself into?' but being a supporting husband as he is he told her to bring the dresses, Hiba bought the dresses and displayed it for her husband. 

   Usman look carefully at the three dresses and his eyes fall on the emerald color dress, he imagined Hiba in the dress paired in red ruby jewellery and blushed thinking how beautiful she will look. "Begum this  emerald color dress will look best on you and pair it with ruby jewellery." Hiba got happy and collected her dresses, but she can't help but notice wounds on her husband's body possibly got during the war but then her eyes fall on his left wrist she see the scars from sharp objects. She collected herself and thought of asking it later.

   As Usman visioned his wife look absolutely beautiful, she wore exactly what he suggested, he took her hand and both walked to the hall, everyone is announced about the couple's presence and all greeted the newly wed couple with respect, shower them with gifts and blessings.

 A woman in a velvet red dress walk towards the couple she handed her gift and cleared her throat "Please to meet you Malika-e-alam," she said in cocky way, Usman senses the cockyness and interrupt "Princess Fahida there is something stuck in your teeth," Fahida felt embarrassed and left the couple, Hiba slightly nudge Usman who is clearly suppressing his laughter, "You shouldn't be so mean to the guest," Hiba stated, Usman apologized Hiba and told her to enjoy the night.

   While Hiba is getting along with the guest suddenly a woman with niqab approached her in the crowd and handed her a red rose, Hiba didn't thought of it and took it with carelessness and resume talking to the other guest. The thorns from the rose pricked her, she lift her hands to examine but her vision started blurring and she blacked out. Usman ran to his wife worried, he lift her in his arms and told Malik to make sure no Guest leave the palace until the matter resolved and send physician to his chamber. 

Usman laid his wife in the bed, she is sweating terribly and her temperature is rising, soon the physician arrive and examined Hiba and started preparing the antidote, Usman gave the the rose which was in Hiba's hand and told the physician to find of what kind of poison is used. "Shahanshah, if you haven't bought Malika-e-alam on time she could have died, this are few medicines give it to her for a week after she wakes up, her body will be really weak." Usman nodded and took the medicine but he wasn't ready for what the physician will word out   "It surprises me to see I have the same poison kept chamber for the study of various way it could be used in medicine." Usman thought for a while and told the physician to take a look at his chamber to see it the poison jar is missing or he see anything suspicious, the physician nodded and left.

  "Malik," Usman called, Malik entered the study room, Usman while sitting in chair and scanning few paper work lift his eyes to Malik, "Salam, how is everything Shahansha," Usman offered the couch the Malik and two cup of tea were already placed in the table. Usman walks and set opposite to Malik, he offered the tea to him, Malik knew Usman is up-to something because tea with him is always about politics or something happening in the palace he sipped his tea waiting for Usman's words. Usman kept his cup down "Malik, yesterday night I talked to the Physician about the poison, to my surprised this poison is only produced in our kingdom only; there is no way an outsider will poison the Queen. We have to be really careful Malik, it is our own people who is poisoning us. Begum is really unaware, yesterday she could have died but by grace and blessing of Allah(S.W.T.) she is safe." Malik told Usman he will be observing all the people in the palace and figure out suspicious people. Also he will observe the cook and the maiden but suddenly a thought crossed his mind "Shahansha why don't we build a kitchen in the basement of your chamber it have been empty and you never use it even  after I told you to use it to store materials for the war." Usman thought a little then denied the request admitting it is too dangerous because fire is dangerous but he have a second thought "Let's build a small kitchen beside the chamber, start the work from tomorrow." Malik nodded and sipped his tea, Usman did the same implying the conversation have ended and both agreed to the terms.                     

  Usman took an off from the work to look after Hiba she haven't woke up, he sits at the chair beside the bed looking at Hiba's peaceful face. He remember the first time he saw Hiba , she was sitting in the baloney swing hugging her father while morning her mother's death she is devastated. That was the moment he promised himself to protect and save her. He sent female spy in the kingdom as an attendee to look on Hiba he doesn't want any man to get her before him, after she reached sixteen many kings and crown prince wants her so he got a bit possessive and proposed the marriage in not to pleasant way.  

   "Falak my dear dear sister, you are finally here after poisoning your so call friend," the same woman who trashed her room spoke while sitting at a rock chair patting a cat. "Sister I am doing everything just for you now where will I hide this dress if that bitch woke up she will definitely spoil our plan," the woman stop patting the cat and got up from her chair and walked to Falak and slapped her hard. "Do you really think I am that dumb that poison is really powerful she will forget whatever happened last night if you are so worried then burn the cloths". She snatched the cloths from Falak and threw it at the chimney. "Don't forget how that bitch's family destroyed our family  and how our mother had to sell her flesh to feed us, her family and her is the reason why we are servants instead of princesses, now leave." 


Is there any secret hiding, who is Falak's sister why does she balm Hiba for her misery?   

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