Chapter 26. Carnival fun!

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I'm back


Important!!: just to make things clear, you, yes you, will be kissing all of the members inside this story. It's not just Felix. Just a warning for people who don't play Otome games. Cause in obey me, you kiss all of the characters :>> (EXCEPT MY SON LUKE OKAY)

"Honey, it's been 30 minutes since I've been hearing noises in your room, are you okay?"  A concerned yet sweet yell was heard from downstairs.

"I'm fine mother, just—trying to figure out something here..!" I tried on another top, it didn't look right again!

God, this is so stressful! It's been at least an hour of me finding an outfit that's, 'carnival appropriate.' Elegant would be too formal..and too casual doesn't seem fitting enough. Should I just go for cute style??

I plopped down onto my bed to catch my breath from rummaging my closet too much.

'Sir Chan might dislike me if I wore something not his style.. I mean, I'm already lucky in the first place for him asking me out. Not to mention, he's hotter than other people at scho-'

(Sorry Felix & Jeongin ur still hot -shizu)

'Get yourself together, (y/n).' I slapped both of my cheeks together to get hit by reality once more.

I sighed, finally choosing a go-to outfit that I'd wore if I can't choose. I then put my hair up into a messy bun, I don't want my hair to fly like every where if we went on rides.

(She's so pretty I'mcryingf) (Somewhat like IU here?? Idk, it's up to you to change it, I'm sorry TT)

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(She's so pretty I'mcryingf)
(Somewhat like IU here?? Idk, it's up to you to change it, I'm sorry TT)

I took a glimpse of myself in the mirror the check if I looked good enough. I then went ahead down stairs to tell my mother I'll be going out.

I hurriedly went down stairs to be met by hyeon's criticism. "Your going on another date? Jeez, how much boys do you have rapped around your finger?" He added with a disgusted face.

I scoffed. "At least hot boys are asking me out—unlike you, shut in mother fu-"
"Okay, that's enough honey." Mother called.

"Where are you going this time, honey?" She asked softly, a spark of concern appears in her face. "Just a carnival. Nothing too fancy."

She nodded. "Alright.. Be safe okay? A lot of people are there, watch your valuables, and also.. Don't go on too much rides okay? Oh, also don't go to those high ones, you might fall-"

I chuckled softly. "I know mother, don't worry about me." She smiled, but still worried.

A complain was heard. "Your letting her go? Serious-" "shush, you didn't clean your room yesterday, this is your punishment darling." She spoke with a shivering smile.

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