Part 10

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Dan was standing in front of the campus gate. He checked the time on the smartphone display. 11:30 am.
No sign of Jaekyung.
The night before his heart had skipped a beat when he saw Jaekyung's name appear in the chat.
"Tomorrow morning. 11:00 am. Campus entrance. Don't forget anything."
Cold and concise as always.

A gray Lamborghini urus stopped right in front of Dan, the boy jumped, immersed in his thoughts.
The window slowly rolled down, revealing Jaekyung, fashionable sunglasses and the usual indecipherable expression on his face.
"Get in" he bluntly ordered.
Finally... Dan thought.
"... Before you wonder... I stopped by Professor Namwook for instructions, he stopped me to tell me about this friend and new collaborator of his..." Jaekyung turned off campus, onto a street unknown to Dan."... And just for the record: I hate lateness and latecomers."

Dan felt teased by his delay the previous day.
"Look...I wasn't very well yesterday..."
"But today you look great," Jaekyung noted, giving him a quick glance.
Dan blushed. Caught in a flash.
He wanted to reply but he preferred to avoid it.

Having a "normal" conversation with Jaekyung, after all that had happened, seemed absurd to him. Being there, with him sharing a journey together was a... nightmare. Thinking about the way Jaekyung had ended their relationship - or whatever there was between them - hurt him. A physical pain that caught the pit of his stomach and dried his throat.

He didn't say anything for the entire trip, the only voice in the car was that of the navigator.
When small drops of rain began to hit the window Dan realized he had dozed off. The rain, initially calm and weak, became more and more insistent.
"Fuck..." Jaekyung cursed.
He hated the rain.
In a flash, the two found themselves in the middle of a storm.
Jaekyung stopped the car at the nearest service station, luckily there was a bed & breakfast too. They got out of the car and quickly ran inside.
Both were drenched in water.

"I'm going to ask for information," Jaekyung said bluntly, while Dan looked around curiously. The place where they stopped was isolated but the view was incredible. A few kilometers away they could see the sea, a little more and they would have arrived at their destination.
"That sucks. It'll continue like this all night" Jaekyung hated having to change his plans.
"What do we do now?" Dan asked.
"I've got a room, we'll stay here."

Chemical Attraction - Jinx - Kim Dan x Joo JaekyungWhere stories live. Discover now