Part 20

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"Are you gonna stand there all day?"

Jaekyung turned his head, his dark eyes met Dan's honey irises.

"Oh... I..."

It is what it is. And I don't want to suffer anymore.

"No. I'm going. I didn't want to interrupt...whatever you're doing"

Dan lowered his gaze and slowly walked away.

A strong hand gripped his wrist; it was almost painful.

"No..." A whisper.

Jaekyung stopped him, and stood in front of him, heavy breathing and messy hair, it was like he almost jumped from the bench to reach him. Dan was afraid the latter could hear his heart beating so loudly.


"No. Let me tell you this." Jaekyung was firm, his eyes pierced in Dan's.

"The first time that we met I thought that you were a... wimp." Dan raised his eyebrows. Was he going to hurt him again!?

"But... The more days passed the more I couldn't stop thinking about your eyes... Shit, I suck in these kind of things..." Jaekyung played with his messy hair.

"...And?" Dan said, afraid but also excited about what Jaekyung would've said.

"When you kissed me, I felt strange, it was so unexpected. Then you kissed me again the night we met at the club and I couldn't walk away... I only believe in science but since I met you, I always wonder to myself... What kind of spell did you put on me, Kim Dan?"

Every word was dug inside Dan's heart, already aching. It couldn't be true.

"You missed me? It's since the day you told me that you will be gone far away from me that I can't think of anything else. The thought of you not near me anymore drives me crazy."

Dan stared intensely into Jaekyung's eyes, both went silent after the clumsy messy words Jaekyung said.

Some drops start to fall and both find themselves in the pouring rain but still stand facing each other. Little drops fell from Jaekyung's hair and landed on Dan's cheeks. They were so close.

Dan's eyes were watery, not because of the rain, but because he finally knew that he could be happy. That the amazing man in front of him finally saw him. And loved him for what he was.

He tiptoed and kissed Jaekyung. Kissed him like it was his last day on earth. He still remembered how he wanted to escape from him the first time they met, in his old and shabby lab, with the lights off and the fear of being alone with him.

Jaekyung was taken off guard, but shut his eyes savoring the kiss, every second of it, he wrapped Dan's shoulder in a tender hug.

After their passionate kiss, they parted, both panting. Jaekyung rested in the head on Dan's.

"Let's go home".

Dan nodded grabbing Jaekyung's hand in his and silently followed him to his apartment.

Chemical Attraction - Jinx - Kim Dan x Joo JaekyungWhere stories live. Discover now