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"So you knew my brother was an alpha and you didn't tell me?"

"Not my place to say," Indigo shrugs. "It's a full moon tonight." She gives me the side eye.

"I'll be fine," I play with the wrists of my sleeves. But I'm lying, I can feel the animal wanting to take over.

"Liar" She coughs.

"Shush," I push her shoulder. We walk behind the school buses meeting everyone.

"I'm not sharing my basement," Malia crossed her arms in a huff.

"Actully, it's my basement," Lydia squints her eyes at her. "And my mom saw how you tore it up last time."

"Alright she's still learning!" Stiles defends her.

"We were gonna use the boat house for Liam," Scott says. "It's got a port we can use, chain him to one of them."

"How are you gonna get him out to the boat house?" I ask. "He's never gonna trust you guys."

"What do you mean 'you'?" Stiles says.

"We have plans tonight" Indigo puts her arm over my shoulder. I feel my cheeks blush red.

"We?" Scott repeats, his mouth falls open, "oh!"

Kira looks between us both. "What?" She says confused.

Lydia whispers in her ear.


"Guys!" Stiles snaps, "I say if it stops him from murdering someone, we just chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake."

"I'm in!" Malia raises her hand.

"I second that," I nod.

"We are not killing or kidnapping him!" Scott roles his eyes at us.

"Lame." I pout.

"Then let's be smarter," Lydia says. "We tell him there's a party and invite him."

"You're gonna ask out a freshman?" Stiles laughs.

"No, I'm done with teenage boys." Lydia presses her lips together in a smile.

"If we're playing a trick on him," I wrap my arm around Kira, "Why don't we use the trickster."

"Who me?" She looks at my in fear. "No way, not me."

"Yes you!" Lydia protest. "Do you know what they call a female fox, a vixen."

"Be a vixen." I whisper, Me and Lydia smile at her.

We are watching from afar as Kira struts down the stairs and Liams mouth hangs open in awe. Her hairs blows in the breeze and she lifts her shin with a smirk.

Until her trips on her heel and falls off 3 steps onto her face.

Liam runs to her aid. "Are you okay?" He bends down beside her.

"Yeah! Fine !" she flicker her hair out her face, kneeling her head on her hand. "Do you wanna go to a party tonight?"

"I can't believe he said yes," I laugh as me and stiles walk down the hallway.

"Do you not wanna find out who you're real parents are?" He asks.

I stoped in my tracks. I stare at him.

"Scott told me." He scratches the back of his head. "Parker, why do you hate your dad so much?"

I can feel the tears welling in my eyes. "Oh!" Stiles pulls me into an empty class room. He takes a hold of my hands "you can talk to me. I know we fight some— a lot, but I'm here for you."

"After dad left mom and he took me with him, he struggled, a lot." I sniffle. "Drank every night, don't know how he didn't loose his job."

"It was the night Oliver died," the big oak tree smeared in blood flashes threw my head.

"Oliver was your boyfriend?"

I nod. "Me and dad were arguing because I found a bottle of liquor in the cupboard, he told me he was gonna quit but... when I confronted him, he hit me."

Stiles takes a sharp breath.

"I stormed out, Oliver followed me and.." I break down crying. "It was all my fault."

"Parker," He breaths out, holding me to his chest as I weep. "It wasn't your fault."

If only he knew.

I walk into the sheriffs office seeing Derek talking to styles dad. "Sup guys," I knock on the door ever tho I'm already in the room. "Scott said you have an update on Michael Myres."

Derek tilts his head in confusion.

"Cuz he's a serial killer, and he's mute." If looks could kill Derek would be dead. "Jesus, Derek, do you live in a basement or something."

"An attic," He corrects.

"I still don't get how this guy has no mouth, I mean how does he eat?" Sheriff picks up the mutes glove from his desk which has a keyboard strapped to it.

"Well, Peter didn't get a chance to ask, he was fighting him off with a Tomohoc buried in his chest."

I snort a laugh. "Okay but who casually runs around with a tomohoc?"

"I carried one for IED removal in Afghanistan." Parish appears.

The three of us look at each other.

"It's military," Parish walks further into the room, "so is this," He points to the glove in Sheriffs hand.

"Do you know what it's used for?" Derek asks.

"It looks like it's been modified."

Sherif and Derek nod to each other. I walk over and shut his office door. "Show us."

"Okay, I think I got an IP Address," Parish says, he sits at sheriffs desk on the laptop while me, Derek and sheriff hover over his shoulder.

"That means we can find him right?" Sheriff asks

"Definitely," Parish nods, "especially if-"

The fingers of the glove move.

"What was that." Derek says.

"Wednesday wants her thing back." I nudge Derek but he just stares at me blank faced. I shake my head and sigh "you'd think you were brought up in a dog house."

"Something like that." He nods.

"I think I found a message," The computer beeps. "Does anyone recognise the handle, Benefactor."

"Like the movie? Theo James was so hot in that."

"Money transferred." Derek reads from the computer. "What does that mean?"

"That means this guys not just a killer," Sherrif stands up straight. "He's an assassin."

"Ooooohhh shittttt!"

Derek hits my arm.


𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 [𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢]Where stories live. Discover now